desc_issuer: Guyana
desc_denom: $5
Used by 2 overprinted stamps:
Guyana postage 6/8/1981 210c issue=1981 surcharges b oc=blk on=$5
Guyana postage 3/11/1985 225c issue=1985 surcharges a oc=blk on=$5
Not used by any images.
Matches 125 types in all, showing first 100:
Guyana postage 5/26/1966 $5 blk&ultra issue=independence a d=arms of British Guiana & Queen Elizabeth II ovpt=GUYANA//INDEPENDENCE//1966 oc=blk on=issuer=British Guiana-issue=1954-$5 wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
Guyana postage 10/3/1967 $5 ovpt=GUYANA//INDEPENDENCE//1966 oc=blk on=issuer=British Guiana-$5
Guyana postage 3/4/1968 $5 multi issue=1968a unwmk dt=wildlife (1968 Guyana) d=ocelot (1968) unwmk
Guyana postage 1971 $5 dt=flowers (1971 Guyana) wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana postage 10/1/1978 $5 multi issue=1978 dt=butterflies (1978 Guyana) d=Morpho deidamia (1978) unwmk
Guyana postage 8/10/1992 $5 multi issue=cats 1992 dt=cats (1992 Guyana) d=Burmese cat
Guyana postage 7/7/1981 $5 multi issue=1981 surcharges e wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana postage 2/15/1982 $5 multi issue=250th Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington d=Morpho deidamia (1982) wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana postage 4/23/1982 $5 multi issue=1982 surcharges e d=Odontadenia grandiflora wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana postage 5/17/1982 $5 blk<rd issue=1982 surcharges i d=++on=3c unwmk
Guyana postage 4/21/1987 500c multi issue=Easter 1987 d=++on=40c wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana postage 4/24/1987 500c multi issue=Orchids 1987 g d=Selenipedium (hybridum) weidlichianum unwmk
Guyana postage 6/2/1987 500c multi issue=Orchids 1987 i d=Zygopetalum klabochorum unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 12/30/1987 $5 multi issue=Olympics 1988 in 1987 unwmk perf=13.75x14
Guyana postage 1/26/1988 $5 multi issue=10th Anniversary of Agricultural Development d=++on=3c wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana postage 2/26/1988 500c multi issue=Orchids 1988 a d=Aerides savageanum unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 2/26/1988 500c multi issue=Orchids 1988 a d=Cypripedium leeanum var giganteum unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 2/26/1988 500c multi issue=Orchids 1988 a d=Cattleya hardyana unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 2/26/1988 500c multi issue=Orchids 1988 a d=Odontoglossum cervantesii decorum unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/16/1988 500c issue=Christmas 1988 d oc=blk on=300c
Guyana postage 12/1/1988 $5 multi issue=AIDS Information Campaign unwmk
Guyana postage 1/25/1989 $5 multi issue=Fungi 1989 d=Sarcoscypha coccinea unwmk
Guyana postage 2/22/1989 $5 multi issue=Trains 1989 d=++on=3.20$ unwmk
Guyana postage 2/22/1989 $5 multi issue=Trains 1989 d=++on=3.20$ unwmk
Guyana postage 2/22/1989 $5 multi issue=Trains 1989 d=++on=3.20$ unwmk
Guyana postage 2/22/1989 $5 multi issue=Trains 1989 d=++on=3.20$ unwmk
Guyana postage 2/22/1989 $5 multi issue=Trains 1989 d=++on=3.30$ unwmk
Guyana postage 2/22/1989 $5 multi issue=Trains 1989 d=++on=3.30$ unwmk
Guyana postage 2/22/1989 $5 multi issue=Trains 1989 d=++on=3.30$ unwmk
Guyana postage 2/22/1989 $5 multi issue=Trains 1989 d=++on=3.30$ unwmk
Guyana postage 8/16/1989 $5 oc=blk on=6c
Guyana postage 9/7/1989 $5 multi issue=Butterflies 1989 d=Agrias claudia (1989) unwmk
Guyana postage 1/23/1990 $5 multi issue=Harpy Eagle d=Harpia harpyja (1990) unwmk perf=14
Guyana postage 3/15/1990 $5 multi issue=85th Anniversary of Rotary International unwmk perf=14.25
Guyana postage 6/8/1990 $5 multi issue=90th Anniversary of the Birth of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother d=Agrias claudia (1990) unwmk perf=14.25
Guyana postage 9/12/1990 $5 multi issue=Birds 1990 b d=Pteroglossus aracari unwmk
Guyana postage 9/26/1990 $5 multi issue=Butterflies 1990 d=Actinote anteas unwmk perf=14.25
Guyana postage 10/29/1991 $5 multi issue=85th Anniversary of Rotary International, 1990 unwmk
Guyana postage 11/29/1991 $5 multi issue=Charitable Organizations - The 75th Anniversary of Lions International, 1992 unwmk
Guyana postage 12/17/1991 $5 multi issue=Christmas 1991 unwmk
Guyana postage 9/27/1993 $5 multi issue=World Cup 1994 in 1993 d=Stuart Pearce (England) unwmk perf=14.25
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Posters of Donald Duck Short Films unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75
Guyana postage 11/20/1996 $5 multi issue=Occupations in the World unwmk perf=13.75