Stampdesc Yugoslavia, 1.00din

desc_issuer: Yugoslavia
desc_denom: 1.00din

Used by 1 overprinted stamp:
Yugoslavia postage 4/6/1989 100din oc=blk on=1.00din

Not used by any images.

Matches 94 types:
Yugoslavia postage 1/16/1921 1d org d=King Peter I (1921) unwmk perf=12
Yugoslavia postage 1922 1d car issue=1922 d=giving succor oc=blk on=type=semipostal-10p unwmk perf=12
Yugoslavia postage 1922 1d ltbl issue=1922 oc=blk on=type=semipostal-25p unwmk perf=12
Yugoslavia postage 1922 1d viobrn issue=1922 d=wounded soldier oc=blk on=type=semipostal-15p unwmk perf=12
Yugoslavia postage 1/23/1923 1d redbrn issue=1923 unwmk perf=12
Yugoslavia postage 7/1/1924 1d car d=King Alexander (1924) unwmk perf=14
Yugoslavia postage 1/25/1926 1d scar issue=1926 d=King Alexander (1926) unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 7/1928 1d scar d=King Alexander (1926) ovpt=XXXX oc=blk on=type=semipostal-1926-1d+50p unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 9/1/1931 1d red issue=Alexander 1931 d=King Alexander (1931) var=imprint unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 1933 1d red issue=1932 var=no imprint unwmk
Yugoslavia postage 9/5/1933 1d scar issue=1933a d=King Alexander (1926) ovpt=(cyrillic)//JUGOSLAVIA oc=blk on=issue=1926-1d-scar unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 9/5/1933 1d scar issue=1933b d=King Alexander (1926) ovpt=(cyrillic)//JUGOSLAVIA oc=blk on=type=semipostal-1926-1d+25p unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 10/17/1934 1d red issue=King Alexander Memorial d=King Alexander (1931) unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 1935 1d brnred issue=1935 d=King Peter II (1935) unwmk perf=13x12.5
Yugoslavia postage 1939 1d yelgrn issue=1939 d=King Peter II (1939) unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 1945 1d red d=Marshal Tito (1945) unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 10/10/1945 1d blgrn issue=partisans d=partisans a unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 12/8/1946 1d dkgrn<grn issue=Pan-Slavic Congress d=Hradschin in Prague unwmk perf=11.5
Yugoslavia postage 1949 1d blgrn issue=1949 ovpt d=partisans a ovpt=FNR ... oc=blk on=issue=partisans-1d-blgrn unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 1950 1d brnorg issue=1949 ovpt ovpt=FNR ... oc=blk on=issue=partisans-1d-brnorg-unissued
Yugoslavia postage 9/1950 1d blgrn issue=occupations d=electrification unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 1/29/1952 1d gray issue=occupation b d=electrification unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 6/4/1953 1d gray issue=occupations c d=High voltage technician unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 3/1/1966 1d dkblgrn issue=Balkan Games 1966 d=rowing unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 4/28/1966 1d yelol issue=1966 unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 5/25/1967 1d plum issue=Tito 75th d=Tito unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 11/28/1967 1d multi dt=paintings (1967 Yugoslavia) d=The Young Sultana unwmk perf=11.75
Yugoslavia postage 2/5/1968 1d brn&ol issue=Winter Olympics 1968 unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 4/29/1968 1d multi dt=icons (1968) d=Annunciation unwmk perf=13.25
Yugoslavia postage 5/25/1968 1d multi issue=Youth Day 1968 dt=singing birds d=goldfinch (1968) unwmk perf=11.75
Yugoslavia postage 6/28/1968 1d issue=Olympics 1968 d=basketball (1968) unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 10/3/1968 1d multi dt=paintings (1968 Yugoslavia) d=Klansko Lake by Marko Pernhart unwmk perf=14x13.25
Yugoslavia postage 4/1975 1d dlpur issue=1975 unwmk perf=13.25
Yugoslavia postage 1976 1d dlgrn issue=1975 d=Ohrid (1976) unwmk perf=13.25
Yugoslavia postage 12/8/1976 1d grayvio d=timber industry ovpt=value&bars oc=blk on=5/12/1966-85p unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia official 11/1/1946 1d blgrn d=arms of Yugoslavia unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia semipostal 11/1/1926 1d+50p scar d=King Alexander (1926) ovpt=+value oc=blk on=issue=1926-1d-scar unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia semipostal 11/1/1929 1d+50p red issue=Croatia 1000th unwmk
Yugoslavia postage due 1947 1d org issue=1946 torches and star unwmk perf=12½
Yugoslavia postage due 1952 1d brn issue=1946 torches and star unwmk perf=12½
Yugoslavia postage 6/21/1971 1d viobrn issue=1971 dt=tourism (1971 Yugoslavia) d=Bitola Macedonia unwmk perf=13.25
Yugoslavia postage 7/28/1977 1.00din multi d=Post horn unwmk perf=15x14
Yugoslavia postage 2/15/1990 1din multi dt=freshwater fishes (1990) d=Esox lucius (1990 Yugoslavia) unwmk perf=13.5x13.75
Yugoslavia postage 5/24/1990 1din multi unwmk
Yugoslavia postage 8/7/1990 1din redorg&yelgrn unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 8/27/1990 1.00din multi issue=European Athletics Championships 1990 unwmk perf=13.75
Yugoslavia postage 9/20/1990 1.00din multi issue=300th Anniversary of the Great Migration of Serbs to Hungary unwmk perf=13.75
Yugoslavia postage 10/18/1990 1.00din multi&sil issue=Chess Olympiad 1990 unwmk
Yugoslavia postage 10/18/1990 1.00din multi&sil issue=Chess Olympiad 1990 unwmk imperf
Yugoslavia postage 1/12/1983 1.00din orgred issue=1983 surcharges d=++on=3.50din unwmk
Yugoslavia postage 12/4/1985 1din issue=1985 surcharges oc=blk on=0.25din
Yugoslavia postage 6/10/1994 1nd multi issue=World Cup 1994 unwmk perf=13.5x13.25
Yugoslavia postage 7/8/1994 1.00nd multi dt=dogs (1994 Yugoslavia) d=husky (1994) unwmk perf=13.25x13.5
Yugoslavia postage 8/15/1994 1nd multi dt=monasteries (1994) d=Sopoćani Monastery 13th unwmk perf=13.25
Yugoslavia postage 9/20/1994 1.00nd multi issue=European Nature Conservation 1994 unwmk perf=13.5x13.25
Yugoslavia postage 10/5/1994 1nd multi issue=Joy of Europe 1994 unwmk perf=13.75
Yugoslavia postage 1/26/1995 1nd multi d=flag of Yugoslavia unwmk perf=13.5x13.25
Yugoslavia postage 1/26/1995 1nd multi d=arms of Yugoslavia unwmk perf=13.5x13.25
Yugoslavia semipostal 4/1/1931 1+1din red issue=Establishemnt of a War Memorial in Paris d=Perf: 11½ x 12 unwmk
Yugoslavia semipostal 11/1/1931 1din+50pa red issue=war memorial surtax unwmk
Yugoslavia semipostal 9/2/1932 1d+1/2d carred<bl issue=European Rowing Championships 1932 unwmk perf=11.5x12
Yugoslavia airmail 6/15/1934 1din ltgrn issue=1934 air dt=airplane over landscapes (1934) d=plane over Bled unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage 9/12/1937 1din blgrn issue=National Stamp Exhibition 1937 unwmk perf=14
Yugoslavia airmail 9/12/1937 1din dkgrn issue=1937 air dt=airplane over landscapes (1937) d=plane over Rab unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia semipostal 5/1/1938 1+1din dkgrn issue=Children's Charity 1938 d=Boy with ball unwmk
Yugoslavia semipostal 5/28/1938 1+0.50din dkgrn issue=International Aviation Exhibition 1938 d=Bridge & Anti- aircraft Lights unwmk
Yugoslavia semipostal 8/1/1938 1+1din dkgrn issue=Surtax for Hospital for Railway Employees d=Cliff at Demir-Kapiya unwmk perf=12.5x11.5
Yugoslavia semipostal 9/11/1938 1+1din dkgrn issue=9th Balkan Games unwmk
Yugoslavia semipostal 10/1/1938 1+1din dkgrn issue=Children's Charity 1938 b unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia semipostal 3/15/1939 1+1din grnblk&dkgrn issue=100th Anniversary of the Postal System d=stagecoach unwmk perf=11.5x11.75
Yugoslavia semipostal 5/1/1939 1+1din blgrn&dkgrn issue=Children's Charity 1939 unwmk
Yugoslavia semipostal 6/28/1939 1+1din multi issue=550th Anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo unwmk
Yugoslavia semipostal 9/3/1939 1+1din blk&blgrn issue=International Automobile & Motorcycle Races 1939 unwmk
Yugoslavia semipostal 9/6/1939 1+0.50din issue=Yugoslav Navy and Merchant Marine unwmk perf=11.5x11.75
Yugoslavia semipostal 10/9/1939 1+0.50din dkgrn issue=5th Anniversary of the Death of King Alexander d=unknown soldier memorial unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia airmail 4/21/1947 1din dkredvio&ol issue=1947 air d=Latin letters at top unwmk perf=12x11.5
Yugoslavia airmail 4/21/1947 1din dkredvio&ol issue=1947 air d=Cyrilic letters at top unwmk perf=12x11.5
Yugoslavia airmail 6/16/1951 1din dporg issue=1951 air dt=airplanes over landscapes (1951) d=plane over Danube unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage due 11/22/1921 1din brn issue=1921 due b d=Perf: 11½ unwmk perf=9 - 11.5
Yugoslavia postage due 11/22/1921 1din brn issue=1921 due b d=Perf: 10½ unwmk perf=9 - 11.5
Yugoslavia postage due 11/22/1921 1din brn issue=1921 due b d=Perf: 9 unwmk perf=9 - 11.5
Yugoslavia postage due 11/22/1921 1din brn issue=1921 due b d=Perf: 11½ unwmk perf=9 - 11.5
Yugoslavia postage due 9/1/1931 1din issue=1931 due d=Without imprint at bottom unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia postage due 9/5/1933 1din brn issue=1933 due unwmk perf=9
Yugoslavia postage due 9/5/1933 1din brn issue=1933 due d=Perf: 10½ unwmk perf=9
Yugoslavia postage due 9/5/1933 1din brn issue=1933 due d=Perf: 11½ unwmk
Yugoslavia postage due 6/28/1945 1din grn issue=1945 due b unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia semipostal 1/1/1940 1+1din blgrn&graygrn issue=for the Postal Employees in Belgrade unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia semipostal 3/1/1940 1+1din grn issue=for the Postal Employees in Zagreb unwmk perf=12x11.5
Yugoslavia semipostal 5/1/1940 1+1din issue=child welfare 1940 unwmk
Yugoslavia semipostal 12/23/1940 1+1din dkredvio issue=anti-tuberculosis 1940 unwmk
Yugoslavia semipostal 1/1/1941 1+1din carbrn&brncar issue=Ljubljana War Veterans Association unwmk perf=12.5
Yugoslavia semipostal 9/15/1945 1+4din dkultra issue=Red Cross 1945 unwmk perf=11.5
Yugoslavia semipostal 9/25/1947 1+0.50din yel&redorg issue=Construction of the Samac-Sarajevo Railway unwmk perf=11.5x12