desc_issuer: India
desc_denom: 1 1/2a
Used by 1 overprinted stamp:
Jind official 6/17/1943 1 1/2a issue=1939 official on=issuer=India-1 1/2a
Not used by any images.
Matches 12 types:
India postage 1/1882 1a6p bisbrn dt=Empress Victoria d=Queen Victoria (1882 India 1a6p) wmk=star
India postage 1919 1 1/2a choc issue=1911 d=King George V (1919 India) var=one and half wmk=star
India postage 1921 1 1/2a choc issue=1911 d=King George V (1919 India) var=one and a half wmk=star
India postage 1926 1 1/2a rose issue=1911 d=King George V (1926) var=one and a half wmk=star
India postage 1929 1 1/2a carrose issue=1926 d=King George V (1929 India) wmk=mult stars
India postage 9/1942 1 1/2a dkpur issue=1941 d=King George VI (1941 b) wmk=mult stars perf=13.5x14
India postage 1/2/1946 1 1/2a dlpur d=victory (1894) wmk=mult stars
India postage 12/15/1947 1 1/2a graygrn issue=dominion d=pillar of Asoka wmk=mult stars
India postage 8/15/1948 1 1/2a brn issue=dominion 1st d=Gandhi (1948) wmk=mult stars
India official 1943 1 1/2a dlvio issue=1939 official d=King George VI (1939 service) wmk=Asokan capital
India official 8/15/1948 1 1/2a issue=1948 official wmk=mult stars
India military 1a6p wmk=star unissued