Issuer | Date | Desc | State | ||
- | no image | North Korea | 4/27/1984 | empty sheet (#45051) | incomplete |
- | North Korea | 4/30/1984 | empty sheet (#19570) | incomplete | |
- | North Korea | 5/20/1984 | empty sheet (#19571) | incomplete | |
- | North Korea | 5/20/1984 | empty sheet (#19572) | incomplete | |
- | North Korea | 5/20/1984 | empty sheet (#19573) | incomplete | |
- | no image | North Korea | 5/26/1984 | empty sheet (#45052) | incomplete |
- | North Korea | 6/10/1984 | empty sheet (#19574) | incomplete | |
- | no image | North Korea | 6/19/1984 | empty sheet (#45053) | incomplete |
- | North Korea | 6/30/1984 | empty sheet (#19575) | incomplete | |
- | no image | North Korea | 9/7/1984 | empty sheet (#45054) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 9/15/1984 | empty sheet (#45055) | incomplete |
- | North Korea | 9/30/1984 | empty sheet (#19578) | incomplete | |
- | no image | North Korea | 10/5/1984 | empty sheet (#45056) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 10/6/1984 | empty sheet (#19566) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 10/6/1984 | empty sheet (#19567) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 10/6/1984 | empty sheet (#19568) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 10/6/1984 | empty sheet (#19577) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 10/6/1984 | empty sheet (#45057) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 10/13/1984 | empty sheet (#45058) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 10/21/1984 | empty sheet (#45059) | incomplete |
- | North Korea | 11/5/1984 | empty sheet (#19576) | incomplete | |
- | no image | North Korea | 11/26/1984 | empty sheet (#19569) | incomplete |
- | North Korea | 11/26/1984 | empty sheet (#19580) | incomplete | |
- | no image | North Korea | 12/1/1984 | empty sheet (#45060) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 12/1/1984 | empty sheet (#45061) | incomplete |
- | North Korea | 12/15/1984 | empty sheet (#19579) | incomplete | |
- | North Korea | 12/20/1984 | Portraits of European Rulers, sheet of 9 types | incomplete | |
- | North Korea | 12/20/1984 | empty sheet (#19583) | incomplete | |
- | North Korea | 12/20/1984 | empty sheet (#19584) | incomplete | |
- | North Korea | 12/20/1984 | empty sheet (#19585) | incomplete | |
- | no image | North Korea | 12/20/1984 | empty sheet (#19586) | incomplete |
- | North Korea | 12/20/1984 | empty sheet (#19587) | incomplete | |
- | no image | North Korea | 12/20/1984 | empty sheet (#45062) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 12/20/1984 | empty sheet (#45063) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 12/20/1984 | empty sheet (#45064) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 12/20/1984 | empty sheet (#45065) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 12/20/1984 | empty sheet (#45066) | incomplete |
- | North Korea | 12/30/1984 | empty sheet (#19581) | incomplete | |
- | no image | North Korea | 12/30/1984 | empty sheet (#45067) | incomplete |
- | no image | North Korea | 12/30/1984 | empty sheet (#45068) | incomplete |