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Issuer: Lesotho
Issue: WORLD STAMP EXPO '89 Date: 11/17/1989 (1989 sheets) Block 1 (9, 3 x 3) 1, 1: 75s d=Postal marking England 1680 1, 2: 75s d=Wax seal & feather Germany 1807 1, 3: 75s d=Crete stamp 2, 1: 75s d=Perot postmasters provisional Bermuda 2, 2: 75s d=Pony-express handstamp US 1860 2, 3: 75s d=Finland stamp 3, 1: 75s d=Fiji stamp 3, 2: 75s d=Swedish newspaper handstamp 3, 3: 75s d=Bhor stamp |
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