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Issuer: Central African Republic
Issue: African Birds 1999 Date: 3/10/1999 (1999 sheets) Block 1 (9, 3 x 3) @0.1197,0.1280 1, 1: 490fr d=Merops apiaster (1999 Central Africa) 1, 2: 490fr d=Coracias garrulus (1999) 1, 3: 490fr d=Cuculus canorus (1999) 2, 1: 490fr d=Hirundo rustica (1999 Central Africa) 2, 2: 490fr d=Motacilla flava (1999) 2, 3: 490fr d=Ardea cinerea (1999) 3, 1: 490fr d=Falco tinnunculus (1999 Central Africa) 3, 2: 490fr d=Tyto alba (1999 Central Africa) 3, 3: 490fr d=Charadrius hiaticula (1999) |
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