Short desc: 12x11
h: 12.00
v: 11.00
Used by 33 stamps: See all uses
Brazil 6/26/1947 40c redbrn issue=President Videla visit to Brazil
Brazil 9/1/1947 40c ultra issue=Truman visit to Brazil d=President Truman, Map of Brazil, Statue of Liberty
Brazil 3/15/1950 60c issue=Italian immigration 75th wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 7/10/1950 60c issue=6th census wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 9/9/1950 60c pink issue=Blumenau 100th d=Blumenau wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 9/27/1950 60c brnred d=Amazonas Theater, Manaus wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 1/10/1951 60c car d=post office building wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 1/10/1951 1.20cr car d=post office building wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 7/9/1951 60c graybl d=Joao Caetano wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 8/16/1951 3.80cr d=Euclides Pinto Martins & map wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 9/8/1951 60c issue=Vitoria 400th wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 12/9/1951 1.20cr d=Map of Brazil & Bible wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 7/21/1952 1.20cr issue=Fluminense Football Club 50th wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 9/20/1952 3.80cr d=industrial medicine wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 11/8/1952 60c bl&grn&yel issue=City Planning Day d=view of Sao Paulo & compass & sun wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 12/18/1952 60c d=Bernardelli wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Qatar 3/1/1972 1d dt=birds (1972 Qatar) d=Coracias garrulus (1972)
Qatar 3/1/1972 2d dt=birds (1972 Qatar) d=Alcedo atthis (1972 Qatar)
Qatar 3/1/1972 3d dt=birds (1972 Qatar) d=Monticola saxatilis
Qatar 3/1/1972 4d dt=birds (1972 Qatar) d=Hydroprogne tschegrava
Qatar 3/1/1972 5d dt=birds (1972 Qatar) d=Upupa epops (1972)
Qatar 3/1/1972 35d dt=birds (1972 Qatar) d=Merops apiaster (1972)
Qatar 3/1/1972 75d dt=birds (1972 Qatar) d=Oriolus oriolus (1972)
Qatar 3/1/1972 3r dt=birds (1972 Qatar) d=Falco peregrinus (1972)
Malaysia postage due 9/15/1986 5c lilrose issue=1986 wmk=PTM multiple
Malaysia postage due 9/15/1986 10c dkgray issue=1986 wmk=PTM multiple
Malaysia postage due 9/15/1986 10c issue=1986 d=Wz: 4 wmk=PTM multiple
Malaysia postage due 9/15/1986 20c org issue=1986 wmk=PTM multiple
Malaysia postage due 9/15/1986 20c issue=1986 d=Wz: 4 wmk=PTM multiple
Malaysia postage due 9/15/1986 50c blgrn issue=1986 wmk=PTM multiple
Malaysia postage due 9/15/1986 $1 ltbl issue=1986 wmk=PTM multiple
Brazil 1/3/1949 60c redvio&rose issue=Campaign for Adult Education wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Brazil 10/30/1949 1.50cr bl issue=75th Anniversary of UPU wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)