Aggregate public collection of Tannu Tuva

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Obj What Descr State Condition Value Notes
Colnect-1929-711-Mongolian-woman.jpg stamp postage 1927 1k blk&redbrn&ver issue=1927 d=Mongol woman wmk=stars & diamonds *
Stamp_Tannu_Tuva_1927_2k.jpg stamp postage 1927 2k pur&redbrn&grn issue=1927 d=stag (1927) wmk=stars & diamonds *
Colnect-1929-713-Goral-Naemorhedus-caudatus.jpg stamp postage 1927 3k blk&blgrn&yel issue=1927 d=mountain goat (1927) wmk=stars & diamonds *
Colnect-1929-714-Tuvan-yurt.jpg stamp postage 1927 4k ultra&redbrn issue=1927 d=Mongol&tent wmk=stars & diamonds *
Colnect-1929-715-Mongolian-male.jpg stamp postage 1927 5k org&blk&dkbl issue=1927 d=Mongol man wmk=stars & diamonds *
No image sheet o

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