Aggregate public collection of Greece

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201 to 400 of 704
Obj What Descr State Condition Value Notes
Colnect-168-486-Mourning-Issue-for-the-death-of-King-George-II.jpg stamp postage 4/6/1947 600d dpbl issue=George II memorial d=King George II oc=blk on=1/24/1937-8d wmk=crowns perf=13x12.5 o
Colnect-168-497-Dodecanese-Union-with-Greece---Fort-Kastellorizo.jpg stamp postage 10/20/1947 20d ultra issue=Dodecanese return d=fort kastellorizo wmk=crowns perf=12x13.5 *
Colnect-168-498-Dodecanese-Union-with-Greece---Dodecanese-Vase.jpg stamp postage 10/20/1947 30d graybrn&yelbrn issue=Dodecanese return d=amphora wmk=crowns *
Colnect-168-499-Dodecanese-Union-with-Greece---Dodecanese-Costume.jpg stamp postage 10/20/1947 50d graybl issue=Dodecanese return d=Dodecanese costume wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-500-Dodecanese-Union-with-Greece---St-John-Monastery-Patmos.jpg stamp postage 10/20/1947 100d graygrn&olgrn issue=Dodecanese return d=stjohn monastery patmos wmk=crowns perf=12x13.5 o
No image stamp postage 10/20/1947 200d issue=Dodecanese return wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-501-Dodecanese-Union-with-Greece---Emmanuel-Xanthos-1772-1852.jpg stamp postage 10/20/1947 250d gray issue=Dodecanese return d=Emanuel Xanthos wmk=crowns o
No image stamp postage 10/20/1947 300d issue=Dodecanese return wmk=crowns o
No image stamp postage 10/20/1947 400d issue=Dodecanese return wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-502-Dodecanese-Union-with-Greece---Kasos-island-and-Ship.jpg stamp postage 10/20/1947 450d issue=Dodecanese return wmk=crowns *
Colnect-168-504-Dodecanese-Union-with-Greece---Dodecanese-Stamp-of-1912.jpg stamp postage 10/20/1947 500d brickred issue=Dodecanese return wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-505-Dodecanese-Union-with-Greece---Hippocrates.jpg stamp postage 10/20/1947 600d issue=Dodecanese return d=Hippocrates (1947) wmk=crowns o
No image stamp postage 10/20/1947 700d issue=Dodecanese return d=Hippocrates (1947) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-799-Dodecanese-Union-with-Greece---Hippocrates.jpg stamp postage 4/5/1950 700d blgrn issue=Dodecanese return d=Hippocrates (1947) wmk=crowns o
No image stamp postage 4/5/1950 800d vio&bl issue=Dodecanese return wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-506-Dodecanese-Union-with-Greece---Colossus-of-Rhodes.jpg stamp postage 10/20/1947 1000d graybrn issue=Dodecanese return d=Colossus of Rhodes wmk=crowns o
No image stamp postage 4/5/1950 1300d issue=Dodecanese return wmk=crowns o
No image stamp postage 4/5/1950 1500d issue=Dodecanese return wmk=crowns o
No image stamp postage 4/5/1950 1600d issue=Dodecanese return d=amphora wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-804-Dodecanese-Vase.jpg stamp postage 4/5/1950 2000d issue=Dodecanese return d=amphora wmk=crowns o
No image stamp postage 4/5/1950 2600d issue=Dodecanese return wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-806-Hippocrates.jpg stamp postage 4/5/1950 5000d ltpur issue=Dodecanese return d=Hippocrates (1947) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-807-Colossus-of-Rhodes.jpg stamp postage 4/5/1950 10000d ultra issue=Dodecanese return d=Colossus of Rhodes wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-508-battle-of-crete.jpg stamp postage 9/15/1948 1000d dkblgrn issue=Battle of Crete 7th d=battle of Crete wmk=crowns perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-168-707-Column-of-Abducted-Greek-Children.jpg stamp postage 2/1/1949 450d issue=abduction of children d=Column of Displaced Greek Children wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-708-Children-in-internment-camp.jpg stamp postage 2/1/1949 1000d issue=abduction of children d=Boy & Girl Behind barbed wire wmk=crowns perf=12x13.5 o
Colnect-168-709-Intimidated-mothers-protecting-their-children.jpg stamp postage 2/1/1949 1800d issue=abduction of children d=Hand tries to grab Child protected by its Mother wmk=crowns perf=12x13.5 o
Colnect-168-811-UPU-75th-Anniversary---Youth-of-Marathon.jpg stamp postage 5/21/1950 1000d dkgrn issue=UPU 75th d=Youth of Marathon wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-818-Reconstruction-of-Heavy-Industry.jpg stamp postage 9/20/1951 700d redorg issue=Marshall Plan d=industrialization wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-819-Reconstruction-of-Fishing-Industry.jpg stamp postage 9/20/1951 800d blgrn issue=Marshall Plan d=fishing (1951 Greece) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-820-Reconstruction-of-Rebuilding-.jpg stamp postage 9/20/1951 1300d issue=Marshall Plan d=reconstruction wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-822-Reconstruction-of-Textiles-Industry.jpg stamp postage 9/20/1951 2600d issue=Marshall Plan d=home weaving wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-823-Reconstruction-of-Electrification.jpg stamp postage 9/20/1951 5000d issue=Marshall Plan d=electrification wmk=crowns o
Colnect-168-990-King-Paul-s-50th-Birthday---Goddess-Fame.jpg stamp postage 12/14/1952 1400d ltbl issue=King Paul I 50th d=herald & medal of King Paul I wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-104-Citrus-Fruits-and-Trees.jpg stamp postage 7/1/1953 500d multi dt=agriculture (1953) d=oranges (1953) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-105-Tobacco-leaves.jpg stamp postage 7/1/1953 700d dkbrn&yeloch dt=agriculture (1953) d=tobacco (1953) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-106-Olive-tree-branch-and-Olive-oil-in-canisters.jpg stamp postage 7/1/1953 1000d bl&olgrn dt=agriculture (1953) d=olives wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-107-wine.jpg stamp postage 7/1/1953 1300d dt=agriculture (1953) d=wine wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-108-figs.jpg stamp postage 7/1/1953 2000d blgrn&brn dt=agriculture (1953) d=figs wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-109-Raisins.jpg stamp postage 7/1/1953 2600d vio&yel dt=agriculture (1953) d=raisin grapes wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-110-grapes.jpg stamp postage 7/1/1953 5000d brn&yelgrn dt=agriculture (1953) d=wine grapes wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-220-Head-of-Pericles.jpg stamp postage 1/15/1954 100d redbrn issue=ancient art d=Head of Pericles wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-221-oxhead-vase.jpg stamp postage 1/15/1954 200d blk issue=ancient art d=oxhead vase wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-222-Bust-of-Homer.jpg stamp postage 1/15/1954 300d blvio issue=ancient art d=Homer (1954) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-223-Zeus-of-istiaea.jpg stamp postage 1/15/1954 500d grn issue=ancient art d=Zeus of istiaea wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-224-Head-of-a-youth.jpg stamp postage 1/15/1954 600d red issue=ancient art d=Head of a youth wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-225-Head-of-Alexander-the-Great.jpg stamp postage 1/15/1954 1000d bl&blk issue=ancient art d=Alexander the Great wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-226-Charioteer-of-Delphi.jpg stamp postage 1/15/1954 1200d olgrn issue=ancient art d=Head of the Chariot Driver of Delphi wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-227-Vase-from-Dipylon.jpg stamp postage 1/15/1954 2000d redbrn issue=ancient art d=vase of dipylon wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-228-Hunting-a-wild-boar.jpg stamp postage 1/15/1954 2400d turqbl issue=ancient art d=hunting wild boar wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-230-Voyage-of-Dionyssos.jpg stamp postage 1/15/1954 4000d rosecar issue=ancient art d=voyage of dionysus wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-237-Greece--s-appeal-to-the-UN-on-the-Cyprus-issue.jpg stamp postage 9/22/1954 1.20d yel&blk issue=ink blot wmk=crowns perf=12.5 o
Colnect-1072-875-Greece--s-appeal-to-the-UN-on-the-Cyprus-issue.jpg stamp postage 9/22/1954 2d palebl&blk issue=ink blot wmk=crowns perf=12.5 o
Colnect-169-242-Greece--s-appeal-to-the-UN-on-the-Cyprus-issue.jpg stamp postage 9/22/1954 4d ltyelgrn&blk issue=ink blot wmk=crowns perf=12.5 o
Colnect-169-350-Oxhead-Vase.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1955 20l dkblgrn issue=1955 ancient art d=oxhead vase wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-351-Head-of-Pericles.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1955 30l brn issue=1955 ancient art d=Head of Pericles wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-352-Zeus-of-Istiaea.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1955 50l issue=1955 ancient art d=Zeus of istiaea wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-353-Head-of-a-youth.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1955 1d blgrn issue=1955 ancient art d=Head of a youth wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-354-Head-of-Alexander-the-Great.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1955 2d brn&blk issue=1955 ancient art d=Head of Alexander the Great wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-355-Hunting-a-wild-boar.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1955 3d orgred issue=1955 ancient art d=Hunting a wild boar wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-356-Bust-of-Homer.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1955 3.50d rose issue=1955 ancient art d=Bust of Homer wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-357-Voyage-of-Dionyssos.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1955 4d ultra issue=1955 ancient art d=Voyage of Dionyssos wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-359-Pythagorean-Congress---Pythagoras-on-Samian-coin.jpg stamp postage 8/20/1955 2d grn issue=Pythagorean school 2500th d=Pythagorean Congress - Pythagoras on Samian coin wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-361-Pythagorean-Congress---Pythagoras-on-Samian-coin.jpg stamp postage 8/20/1955 5d pur issue=Pythagorean school 2500th d=Pythagorean Congress - Pythagoras on Samian coin wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-364-50-Years-Rotary-International---Emblem.jpg stamp postage 5/15/1956 2d ultra issue=Rotary 50th wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-365-King-Alexander.jpg stamp postage 5/21/1956 10l blkvio issue=royal family d=Alexander of Greece wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-366-Crown-Prince-Constantine.jpg stamp postage 5/21/1956 20l redpur issue=royal family d=Crown Prince Constantine wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-367-King-George-I.jpg stamp postage 5/21/1956 30l sep issue=royal family d=George A wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-368-Queen-Olga.jpg stamp postage 5/21/1956 50l redbrn issue=royal family d=Queen Olga wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-369-King-Otto.jpg stamp postage 5/21/1956 70l ultra issue=royal family d=King Otto wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-370-Queen-Amalia.jpg stamp postage 5/21/1956 1d turqbl issue=royal family d=Queen Amalia wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-371-King-Constantine-A-.jpg stamp postage 5/21/1956 1.50d dkgraybl issue=royal family d=King Constantine I (a) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-372-King-Paul.jpg stamp postage 5/21/1956 2d blk issue=royal family d=King Paul wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-375-Queen-Fredericka.jpg stamp postage 5/21/1956 4d dkgrn issue=royal family d=Queen Fredericka wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-376-King-Paul-and-Queen-Fredericka.jpg stamp postage 5/21/1956 5d car issue=royal family d=King Paul & Queen Fredericka wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-378-King-Paul-Queen-Fredericka-Crown-Prince-Constantine.jpg stamp postage 5/21/1956 10d dkbl issue=royal family d=King Paul Queen Fredericka Crown Prince Constantine wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-569-King-Alexander.jpg stamp postage 11/15/1957 10l pur issue=1957 royal family d=King Alexander wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-570-Crown-Prince-Constantine.jpg stamp postage 11/15/1957 20l redorg issue=1957 royal family d=Crown Prince Constantine wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-571-King-George-A--.jpg stamp postage 11/15/1957 30l blk issue=1957 royal family d=King George A wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-572-Queen-Olga.jpg stamp postage 11/15/1957 50l dkgrngray issue=1957 royal family d=Queen Olga wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-574-Queen-Amalia.jpg stamp postage 11/15/1957 1d red issue=1957 royal family d=Queen Amalia wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-575-King-Constantine-A--.jpg stamp postage 11/15/1957 1.50d grnol issue=1957 royal family d=King Constantine A wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-576-King-Paul.jpg stamp postage 11/15/1957 2d carred issue=1957 royal family d=King Paul wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-577-King-George-B--.jpg stamp postage 11/15/1957 3d dkbl issue=1957 royal family d=George B wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-578-Queen-Sophia.jpg stamp postage 11/15/1957 3.50d grayvio issue=1957 royal family d=Queen Sophia wmk=crowns o
Colnect-3955-667-Queen-Fredericka.jpg stamp postage 11/15/1957 4d redbrn issue=1957 royal family d=Queen Fredericka wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-580-King-Paul-and-Queen-Fredericka.jpg stamp postage 11/15/1957 5d dkbl issue=1957 royal family d=King Paul & Queen Fredericka wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-582-King-Paul-Queen-Fredericka-Crown-Prince-Constantine.jpg stamp postage 11/15/1957 10d dkgrn issue=1957 royal family d=King Paul Queen Fredericka Crown Prince Constantine wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-670-Merchant-Marine---Transatlantic-liner.jpg stamp postage 1/30/1958 1d multi dt=ships (1958 Greece) d=Merchant Marine - Transatlantic liner wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-671-Merchant-Marine----quot-Nova-quot--of-the-1821-period.jpg stamp postage 1/30/1958 1.50d multi dt=ships (1958 Greece) d=Merchant Marine - Nova of the 1821 period wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-673-Merchant-Marine---6th-cent-BC-Vessel.jpg stamp postage 1/30/1958 3.50d multi dt=ships (1958 Greece) d=Merchant Marine - 6th cent BC Vessel wmk=crowns o
Colnect-3105-735--quot-Narcissus-quot--flower-mythological-person.jpg stamp postage 9/15/1958 20l multi dt=nature (1958) d=Narcissus poeticus (1958) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-3105-737-Daphni-laurel-and-Apollo.jpg stamp postage 9/15/1958 30l multi dt=nature (1958) d=Laurus nobilis wmk=crowns o
Colnect-3105-740-Adonis-hibiscus-and-Aphrodite.jpg stamp postage 9/15/1958 50l multi dt=nature (1958) d=Hibiscus rosasinensis (1958) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-3105-742-Nymph-Pitys-pine-tree-and-Pan.jpg stamp postage 9/15/1958 70l multi dt=nature (1958) d=pine & Pan wmk=crowns o
Colnect-3105-746-Crocus-atticus.jpg stamp postage 9/15/1958 1d multi dt=nature (1958) d=Crocus atticus wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-693-Head-of-Pericles.jpg stamp postage 1959 10l yelgrn issue=1959 d=Head of Pericles wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-694-Oxhead-Vase.jpg stamp postage 1959 20l pur issue=1959 d=oxhead vase wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-695-Zeus-of-Istiaea.jpg stamp postage 1959 50l blgrn issue=1959 d=Zeus of istiaea wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-697-Head-of-a-Youth.jpg stamp postage 1959 1d lilbrn issue=1959 d=Head of a youth wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-699-Head-of-Alexander-the-Great.jpg stamp postage 1959 2.50d blk&dkcar issue=1959 d=Head of Alexander the Great wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-803-Zeus-and-Eagle-Olympia-4th-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 3/24/1959 10l redbrn&olgrn issue=ancient Greek coins dt=ancient Greek coins d=Zeus & Eagle Olympia 4th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-804-Athena-and-Owl-Athens-5th-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 3/24/1959 20l bl&gray issue=ancient Greek coins dt=ancient Greek coins d=Athena & Owl Athens 5th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-805-Arethousa-and-Chariot-Syracuse-5th-cent-BC-.jpg stamp postage 3/24/1959 50l issue=ancient Greek coins dt=ancient Greek coins d=Arethousa & Chariot Syracuse 5th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-808-Griffin-and-Squares-Avderon-5th-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 3/24/1959 1.50d issue=ancient Greek coins dt=ancient Greek coins d=Griffin & Squares Avderon 5th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-809-Apollo-and-Lyre-Chalcidice-Macedonia-4th-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 3/24/1959 2.50d issue=ancient Greek coins dt=ancient Greek coins d=Apollo & Lyre Macedonia 4th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-810-Apollo-and-Labyrinth-Crete-3rd-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 3/24/1959 4.50d blgrn&gray issue=ancient Greek coins dt=ancient Greek coins d=coin with Apollo & Labyrinth, Crete 3rd cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-811-Aphrodite-and-Apollo-Cyprus-4th-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 3/24/1959 6d olgrn&gray issue=ancient Greek coins dt=ancient Greek coins d=Aphrodite & Apollo Cyprus 4th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-812-Rams---heads-and-incised-squares-Delphi-5th-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 3/24/1959 8.50d issue=ancient Greek coins dt=ancient Greek coins d=Rams heads & incised squares Delphi 5th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-827-Achilles-and-Patroclos-Berlin-Museum.jpg stamp postage 9/21/1959 2.50d multi issue=Red Cross idea 100th d=Achilles & Patroclos Berlin Museum wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-830-The-Good-Samaritan.jpg stamp postage 9/21/1959 6d multi issue=Red Cross idea 100th d=The Good Samaritan wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-966-Crown-Prince-Constantine-as-scout.jpg stamp postage 4/23/1960 2.50d multi issue=Greek Boy Scouts 50th d=Crown Prince Constantine as scout wmk=crowns o
Colnect-169-969-Rome-1960---Proclamation-of-armistice.jpg stamp postage 8/12/1960 20l multi issue=Olympics 1960 d=proclamation of armistice wmk=crowns *
Colnect-169-970-Rome-1960---Lighting-the-olympic-flame.jpg stamp postage 8/12/1960 50l multi issue=Olympics 1960 d=lighting the Olympic flame wmk=crowns *
Colnect-169-971-Rome-1960---Athlete-taking-oath.jpg stamp postage 8/12/1960 70l multi issue=Olympics 1960 d=athlete taking oath wmk=crowns *
Colnect-169-972-Rome-1960---Wild-olive-branches.jpg stamp postage 8/12/1960 80l multi issue=Olympics 1960 d=wilde olive branches wmk=crowns *
Colnect-169-973-Rome-1960---Judges-entering-the-stadium.jpg stamp postage 8/12/1960 1d multi issue=Olympics 1960 d=judges entering the stadium wmk=crowns *
Colnect-169-974-Rome-1960---Long-jumper.jpg stamp postage 8/12/1960 1.50d multi issue=Olympics 1960 d=long jumper wmk=crowns *
Colnect-169-975-Rome-1960---Discus-thrower.jpg stamp postage 8/12/1960 2.50d multi issue=Olympics 1960 d=discus thrower wmk=crowns *
Colnect-169-976-Rome-1960---Sprinters.jpg stamp postage 8/12/1960 4.50d multi issue=Olympics 1960 d=sprinters wmk=crowns *
Colnect-169-977-Rome-1960---Javelin-thrower.jpg stamp postage 8/12/1960 5d multi issue=Olympics 1960 d=javelin thrower wmk=crowns *
Colnect-169-978-Rome-1960---Victory-ceremony.jpg stamp postage 8/12/1960 6d multi issue=Olympics 1960 d=victory ceremony wmk=crowns *
Colnect-169-979-Rome-1960---Winner--s-return-home.jpg stamp postage 8/12/1960 12.50d multi issue=Olympics 1960 d=victors return home wmk=crowns *
Colnect-3955-668-Calf-bearer.jpg stamp postage 9/1/1960 3d ultra d=sherpherd carrying calf wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-143-Kastoria-and-Lake-of-Kastoria.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1961 10l graybl issue=1961 dt=scenic (1961 Greece) d=Kastoria wmk=crowns perf=14x12.5 o
Colnect-170-144-The-Monastries-of-Meteora.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1961 20l dkvio issue=1961 dt=scenic (1961 Greece) d=Meteora wmk=crowns perf=14x12.5 o
Colnect-170-145-Island-of-Hydra-Saronic-Gulf.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1961 50l bl issue=1961 dt=scenic (1961 Greece) d=Hydra Saronic Gulf wmk=crowns perf=14x12.5 o
Colnect-170-148-St-Catherine-Church-Thessaloniki.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1961 1d redbrn issue=1961 dt=scenic (1961 Greece) d=St Catherine Church Thessaloniki wmk=crowns perf=14x12.5 o
Colnect-170-149-Ancient-Olympia.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1961 1.50d grn issue=1961 dt=scenic (1961 Greece) d=Olympia wmk=crowns perf=14x12.5 o
Colnect-170-150-Ruins-of-Ancient-Knossos-Crete.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1961 2.50d red issue=1961 dt=scenic (1961 Greece) d=Knossos wmk=crowns perf=14x12.5 o
Colnect-170-151-Island-of-Rhodos.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1961 3.50d vio issue=1961 dt=scenic (1961 Greece) d=Rhodos wmk=crowns perf=14x12.5 o
Colnect-170-152-Ancient-Theatre-of-Epidavros.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1961 4d dkgrn issue=1961 dt=scenic (1961 Greece) d=Epidauros wmk=crowns perf=14x12.5 o
Colnect-170-153-Temple-of-Poseidon-Cape-Sounion.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1961 4.50d dkbl issue=1961 dt=scenic (1961 Greece) d=Marmor Temple of Poseidon Cape Sounion wmk=crowns perf=14x12.5 o
Colnect-170-154-TEMPLE-OF-ZEUS-ATHENS.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1961 5d pur issue=1961 dt=scenic (1961 Greece) d=TEMPLE OF ZEUS ATHENS wmk=crowns perf=14x12.5 o
Colnect-170-155-Temple-of-Apollo-Delphi.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1961 6d dkyelgrn issue=1961 dt=scenic (1961 Greece) d=Delphi wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-157-Monastries-of-Mt-Athos.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1961 8d bl issue=1961 dt=scenic (1961 Greece) d=Mt Athos wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-178-Greek-Stamp-Centenary---Hermes-large--head.jpg stamp postage 12/20/1961 20l multi issue=stamp 100th wmk=crowns perf=13x14 *
Colnect-170-183-Greek-Stamp-Centenary---Hermes-large--head.jpg stamp postage 12/20/1961 6d multi issue=stamp 100th wmk=crowns perf=13x14 o
Colnect-170-363-Dams-and-Hydro-electric-Stations-Tavropos.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1962 20l multi issue=National Electrification Project d=Tavropos wmk=crowns perf=13 *
Colnect-170-364-Dams-and-Hydro-electric-Stations-Ladonas.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1962 50l multi issue=National Electrification Project d=Ladonas wmk=crowns perf=13 o
Colnect-170-376-EUROPA-CEPT-Tree-with-19-leaves-19-member-countries.jpg stamp postage 9/17/1962 2.50d red&blk issue=Europa 1962 d=Europa tree wmk=crowns **
Colnect-170-377-EUROPA-CEPT-Tree-with-19-leaves-19-member-countries.jpg stamp postage 9/17/1962 4.50d bl&blk issue=Europa 1962 d=Europa tree wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-377-EUROPA-CEPT-Tree-with-19-leaves-19-member-countries.jpg stamp postage 9/17/1962 4.50d bl&blk issue=Europa 1962 d=Europa tree wmk=crowns **
Colnect-170-379--Protection-of-Agriculture----AgricultSecurOrganisation.jpg stamp postage 10/30/1962 1.50d multi d=hands & grain wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-576-the-five-kings.jpg stamp postage 6/29/1963 50l issue=Greek royal house 100th wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-578-the-five-kings.jpg stamp postage 6/29/1963 2.50d issue=Greek royal house 100th wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-579-the-five-kings.jpg stamp postage 6/29/1963 4.50d issue=Greek royal house 100th wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-580-The-five-Kings.jpg stamp postage 6/29/1963 6d issue=Greek royal house 100th wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-582-Arethousa-and-Chariot-Syracuse-5th-cent-BC-.jpg stamp postage 7/5/1963 50l dt=coins (1963) d=Arethousa & Chariot Syracuse 5th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-584-Helios-Sun-and-Rose-Rhodes-4th-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 7/5/1963 1d grn&blk dt=coins (1963) d=Helios Sun & Rose Rhodes 4th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-585-Griffin-and-Squares-Avderon-5th-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 7/5/1963 1.50d dt=coins (1963) d=Griffin & Squares Avderon 5th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-586-Zeus-and-Eagle-Olympia-4th-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 7/5/1963 3d dt=coins (1963) d=Zeus & Eagle Olympia 4th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-587-Athena-and-Owl-Athens-5th-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 7/5/1963 3.50d orgred&blk dt=coins (1963) d=Athena & Owl Athens 5th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-588-Apollo-and-Labyrinth-Crete-3rd-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 7/5/1963 4.50d brn&blk dt=coins (1963) d=Apollo & Labyrinth Crete 3rd cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-589-Aphrodite-and-Apollo-Cyprus-4th-cent-BC.jpg stamp postage 7/5/1963 6d turq&blk dt=coins (1963) d=Aphrodite & Apollo Cyprus 4th cent BC wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-592--Athens-at-dawn--by-Lord-Baden-Powell.jpg stamp postage 8/1/1963 1d multi issue=11th World Jamboree d=Athens at dawn by Lord Baden-Powell wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-595-A-Lefkaditis-and-Lord-Baden-Powell.jpg stamp postage 8/1/1963 3d multi issue=11th World Jamboree d=A Lefkaditis & Lord Baden-Powell wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-596-Scout-with-a-bugle.jpg stamp postage 8/1/1963 4.50d multi issue=11th World Jamboree d=Scout with a bugle wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-599-EUROPA-CEPT-in-squares-Cooperation.jpg stamp postage 9/16/1963 4.50d issue=Europa 1963 d=Europa interlock wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-606-Vatopedion-Monastery-Mt-Athos.jpg stamp postage 12/5/1963 30l multi issue=Mt Athos 1000th d=Vatopedion Monastery Mt Athos wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-613-Great-Lavra-Monastery-Mt-Athos.jpg stamp postage 12/5/1963 6d multi issue=Mt Athos 1000th d=Great Lavra Monastery Mt Athos wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-799-In-memoriam-of-King-Paul-I-1901-1964.jpg stamp postage 5/6/1964 50l vio issue=King Paul I memorial d=King Paul I (1964) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-800-In-memoriam-of-King-Paul-I-1901-1964.jpg stamp postage 5/6/1964 1d blkol issue=King Paul I memorial d=King Paul I (1964) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-801-In-memoriam-of-King-Paul-I-1901-1964.jpg stamp postage 5/6/1964 1.50d org issue=King Paul I memorial d=King Paul I (1964) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-802-In-memoriam-of-King-Paul-I-1901-1964.jpg stamp postage 5/6/1964 2d ltbl issue=King Paul I memorial d=King Paul I (1964) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-803-In-memoriam-of-King-Paul-I-1901-1964.jpg stamp postage 5/6/1964 2.50d brnvio issue=King Paul I memorial d=King Paul I (1964) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-804-In-memoriam-of-King-Paul-I-1901-1964.jpg stamp postage 5/6/1964 3.50d brnlil issue=King Paul I memorial d=King Paul I (1964) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-807-In-memoriam-of-King-Paul-I-1901-1964.jpg stamp postage 5/6/1964 6d rose issue=King Paul I memorial d=King Paul I (1964) wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-811-Archangel-Michael-Athens-Byzantine-Museum.jpg stamp postage 6/10/1964 2d multi dt=Byzantine art d=Archangel Michael Athens Byzantine Museum wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-812-Birth-of-the-Holy-Virgin-Protaton-Church-MtAthos.jpg stamp postage 6/10/1964 2.50d multi dt=Byzantine art d=Birth of the Holy Virgin Protaton Church MtAthos wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-815--Trident----Paxos-island.jpg stamp postage 7/20/1964 20l issue=Ionian union 100th d=trident - Paxos island wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-816--Aphrodite-emerging-from-sea----Kythera-island.jpg stamp postage 7/20/1964 30l issue=Ionian union 100th d=Aphrodite emerging from sea - Kythera island wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-820--Prince-Kephalos----Kephalonia-island.jpg stamp postage 7/20/1964 4.50d multi issue=Ionian union 100th d=Prince Kephalos - Kephalonia island wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-821--Ancient-Galley----Kerkyra-Corfu-island.jpg stamp postage 7/20/1964 6d multi issue=Ionian union 100th d=Ancient Galley - Kerkyra Corfu island wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-829-King-Constantine-and-Anne-Marie-Princess-of-Denmark.jpg stamp postage 9/18/1964 2.50d issue=royal wedding 1964 d=King Constantine II & Anne-Marie Princess of Denmark wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-832-Tokyo-1964---Peleus-fighting-Atalanti.jpg stamp postage 10/24/1964 10l multi issue=Olympics 1964 d=Tokyo 1964 - Peleus fighting Atalanti wmk=crowns *
Colnect-170-834-Tokyo-1964---Jumper.jpg stamp postage 10/24/1964 2d multi issue=Olympics 1964 d=Tokyo 1964 - Jumper wmk=crowns o
Colnect-170-836-Tokyo-1964---Chariot-racing.jpg stamp postage 10/24/1964 4.50d multi issue=Olympics 1964 d=Tokyo 1964 - Chariot racing wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-009-Athens-Festival---Herod-Atticus-Auditorium.jpg stamp postage 4/30/1965 4.50d multi dt=festivals d=Herod Atticus theater wmk=crowns *
Colnect-171-012-150-Years-Philiki-Hetaeria-Friends-Society---Flag.jpg stamp postage 5/31/1965 4.50d multi issue=Friends Society 150th wmk=crowns *
Colnect-171-024-24th-Balkan-Games---Flag-of-the-games.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1965 1d multi issue=Balkan Games 1965 d=flag wmk=crowns *
Colnect-171-025-24th-Balkan-Games---The-Medal-of-the-games.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1965 2d multi issue=Balkan Games 1965 wmk=crowns *
Colnect-171-026-24th-Balkan-Games---The-Karaiskakis-Stadium.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1965 6d multi issue=Balkan Games 1965 wmk=crowns *
Colnect-171-020-International-Astronautical-Congress---The-nine-planets.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1965 50l multi issue=International Astronautical Congress 1965 d=symbols of the nine planets wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-021-International-Astronautical-Congress---Astronaut.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1965 2.50d multi issue=International Astronautical Congress 1965 d=astronaut floating in space wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-022-International-Astronautical-Congress---Space-Ships.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1965 6d multi issue=International Astronautical Congress 1965 wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-031-Hipparchus-and-his-astrolab.jpg stamp postage 10/21/1965 2.50d multi d=Hipparchus wmk=crowns *
Colnect-171-033-50-Years-Post-Office-Savings-Bank---Ants.jpg stamp postage 11/30/1965 10l multi issue=Postal Savings Bank 50th d=Ants wmk=crowns *
Colnect-171-035-St-Andrew-Church-Patra-Peloponissos.jpg stamp postage 11/30/1965 1d multi issue=St Andrew head restoration d=church wmk=crowns *
Colnect-171-199-Nikiphoros-Lytras-1832-1904-19th-cent-Painter.jpg stamp postage 2/28/1966 1d multi dt=Greek painters d=Nikiphoros Lytras wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-200-Konstantinos-Volanakis-1837-1907-19th-cent-Painter.jpg stamp postage 2/28/1966 2.50d multi dt=Greek painters d=Konstantinos Volanakis wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-201-Nikolaos-Gyzis-1842-1900-19th-cent-Painter.jpg stamp postage 2/28/1966 4d multi dt=Greek painters d=Nikolaos Gyzis 1842-1900 19th cent Painter wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-202-Georgios-Jakobides-1853-1932-19th-cent-Painter.jpg stamp postage 2/28/1966 5d multi dt=Greek painters d=Georgios Jakobides 1853-1932 19th cent Painter wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-204-Jean-Gabriel-Eynard-Founder-National-Bank-of-Greece.jpg stamp postage 3/30/1966 1.50d dkgrn issue=National Bank 125th d=Jean Gabriel Eynard Founder National Bank of Greece wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-207-An-1867-Bank-Note-National-Bank-of-Greece.jpg stamp postage 3/30/1966 6d blk issue=National Bank 125th d=An 1867 Bank Note National Bank of Greece wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-213-International-Decade-of-Water---The-water-cycle.jpg stamp postage 4/18/1966 1d multi issue=hydrological decade wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-214-20-Years-UNESCO---Emblem.jpg stamp postage 4/18/1966 3d multi issue=UNESCO 20th wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-215-World-Health-Organisation-Headquarters-Inauguration-Geneva.jpg stamp postage 4/18/1966 5d multi d=WHO HQ wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-217-Olympic-Airways---Flight-Athens-New-York.jpg stamp postage 5/26/1966 6d issue=transatlantic flight inauguration d=jetliner over New York City & Ionic column wmk=crowns o
Colnect-171-219-2500-Years-Theatre---Ancient-Copper-Mask.jpg stamp postage 5/26/1966 1d multi issue=Greek theater 2600th d=mask wmk=crowns perf=12.5x13.75 o
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