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1896 issue of Romanian offices in the Turkish Empire

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Short desc: 1896

Issuer: Romanian offices in the Turkish Empire
Date: 1896

Consists of 6 stamps: (See stamps as list)

10pa bl d=King Carol I (1893 b) oc=blk on=issuer=Romania-1893-5b-bl perf=VARIOUS
10pa bl d=King Carol I (1893 b) oc=vio on=issuer=Romania-1893-5b-bl perf=VARIOUS
20pa emer d=King Carol I (1893 10b) oc=blk on=issuer=Romania-1893-10b-emer
20pa emer d=King Carol I (1893 10b) oc=vio on=issuer=Romania-1893-10b-emer
1pi vio d=King Carol I (1893 c) oc=blk on=issuer=Romania-1893-25b-vio perf=VARIOUS
1pi vio d=King Carol I (1893 c) oc=vio on=issuer=Romania-1893-25b-vio perf=VARIOUS

All are wmk=PR

Issues with this name: Afghanistan, Argentina, British Central Africa, British East Africa, Newfoundland, Danish West Indies, German East Africa, Haiti, Iceland, Bhopal, Liberia, Johore, Negri Sembilan, Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, Romanian offices in the Turkish Empire, Sierra Leone, Trinidad, Zanzibar