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5th International Ballet Festival issue of Cuba

  • Colnect-933-574-Scene-from--Apollo-.jpg
  • Colnect-1167-896-Scene-from--The-River-and-the-Forest-.jpg
  • Colnect-933-575-Scene-from--Giselle-.jpg
  • Colnect-1488-488-Scene-from--Oedipus-Rex-.jpg
  • Colnect-1488-489-Scene-from--Carmen-.jpg
  • Colnect-1167-897-Scene-from--Vital-Song-.jpg
Short desc: 5th International Ballet Festival

Issuer: Cuba
Date: 10/5/1976
Occasion: International Ballet Festival / 5th International Ballet Festival

Consists of 6 stamps: (See stamps as list)

2c d=The River & the Forest 5th International Ballet Festival-International Ballet Festival perf=12.75
3c d=Giselle 5th International Ballet Festival-International Ballet Festival perf=12.75
5c d=Oedipus Rex 5th International Ballet Festival-International Ballet Festival
13c d=Carmen 5th International Ballet Festival-International Ballet Festival
30c d=Vital Vocals 5th International Ballet Festival-International Ballet Festival perf=12.75