Short desc: 100th Anniversary of Science Fiction Literature
Issuer: San Marino Date: 8/28/1998 Sort position: 2 Occasion: unset Consists of 16 stamps: (See stamps as list) 800l d=20000 Leagues under the sea by JVerne 800l d=La Guerra dei Mondi - Herbert George Wells 800l d=The new world by AHuxley 800l d=1984 by GOrwell 800l d=Chronicles of the galaxy by IAsimov 800l d=Years without end by CDSimak 800l d=Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury 800l d=La Settima Vittima by Robert Sheckley 800l d=The merchants of space by Pohl & Kornbluth 800l d=The next middle ages by RVacca 800l d=Stranger in a strange land by RHeinlein 800l d=Clockwork orange by ABurgess 800l d=Desert of water by JGBallard 800l d=Dune by Frank Herbert 800l 800l |