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100th Anniversary of the Nobel Prize issue of Monaco

  • Colnect-150-150-Alfred-Nobel-1833-1896.jpg
  • Colnect-150-151-Henry-Dunant-1828-1910.jpg
  • Colnect-150-152-Enrico-Fermi-1901-1954.jpg
Short desc: 100th Anniversary of the Nobel Prize

Issuer: Monaco
Date: 9/3/2001
Occasion: Nobel Prize start
Number/Year: 100

Consists of 3 stamps: (See stamps as list)

5.00fr d=A.Nobel
8.00fr d=Henri Dunant (2001)
11.50fr|1.75€ d=Enrico Fermi

Issues with this name: Antigua (1995), Bosnia & Herzegovina, Republic, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croat administration, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serb administration, Ghana (2002), Liberia, Monaco, Palau, St. Vincent (1995), Virgin Islands