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National Musical Instruments of Uzbekistan issue of Uzbekistan

  • UZ024.06.jpg
  • UZ025.06.jpg
  • UZ026.06.jpg
  • UZ027.06.jpg
  • UZ028.06.jpg
  • UZ029.06.jpg
  • UZ030.06.jpg
Short desc: National Musical Instruments of Uzbekistan

Issuer: Uzbekistan
Date: 5/19/2006
Sort position: 2
Occasion: unset

Consists of 7 stamps: (See stamps as list)

200.00s d=tanbur, Kashkar's rubab
250.00s d=Surnay, Tor
290.00s d=Surnay, boira
350.00s d=Nay, Dutor
410.00s d=Gijjak
430.00s d=Nog'ora
580.00s d=tanbur, chang (instrument)

All are dt=National Musical Instruments of Uzbekistan