Short desc: 1997
Issuer: Ireland
Dates: 1/16/1997 - 9/4/1998
Consists of 23 stamps: (See stamps as list)
8/27/1997 1p d=Pica pica (1997 Ireland) perf=14x15
8/27/1997 2p d=Morus bassanus (1997) perf=14x15
8/27/1997 4p d=traonach corncrake Crex crex perf=14x15
4/2/1998 5p d=Columba palumbus (1998) perf=15x14
8/27/1997 10p d=Alcedo atthis (1997 Ireland) perf=14x15
8/27/1997 20p d=Vanellus vanellus (1997) perf=14x15
28p d=Parus caeruleus (1997 Ireland)
4/2/1998 30p d=Regulus regulus (1998)
4/2/1998 30p d=Turdus merula (1998)
4/2/1998 30p d=Turdus merula (1998)
32p d=Erithacus rubecula (1997 Ireland)
3/6/1997 32p d=Erithacus rubecula (1997 Ireland)
12/6/1997 32p d=fabhcún gorm peregrine falcon
4/2/1998 35p d=Saxicola torquata (1998)
4/2/1998 40p d=Charadrius hiaticula (1998 Ireland)
9/4/1998 40p d=Regulus regulus (1998) perf=15x14
44p d=Fratercula arctica (1997 Ireland) perf=14x15
4/2/1998 45p d=song thrush (1998)
4/2/1998 50p d=Accipiter nisus (1998)
52p d=Tyto alba (1997 Ireland) perf=14x15
1£ d=Anser albifrons flavirostris
4/2/1998 2£ d=Anas acuta (1998) perf=14x15
8/27/1997 5£ d=Tadorna tadorna (1997 Ireland) perf=15x14
All are dt=birds (1997 Ireland)
Issues with this name: Anguilla, Belarus, Benin, Botswana, Canada, Egypt, France, Gabon, Germany, Great Britain, Wales, Hong Kong, Ireland, Ivory Coast, Japan, Lithuania, Namibia, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia (1998), Norfolk Island, Norway, Russia, St. Helena (1998), St. Pierre & Miquelon, Thailand, Tuvalu, United Nations, UN offices in Vienna, Venezuela, Virgin Islands, Yugoslavia