1925 issue of British offices in Morocco, British currency
Short desc: 1925
Issuer: British offices in Morocco, British currency
Date: 1925
Consists of 6 stamps: (See stamps as list)
1/2d grn d=King George V (1912 a) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-1/2d-grn-King George V
1 1/2p redbrn d=King George V (1912 a) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-1 1/2p-redbrn-King George V
2p dporg d=King George V (1912 c) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-2p-dporg-King George V
2 1/2d ultra d=King George V (1912 b) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-2 1/2d-ultra-King George V
6p dlvio d=King George V (1912 d) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-6p-dlvio-King George V
1sh bis d=King George V (1912 e) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1924-1sh-bis-King George V
All are wmk=crown & block GvR perf=15x14
Issues with this name: Austria, Barbados, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Bulgaria, Cameroun, Cape Juby, Cuba, Finland, Alexandria, Port Said, British offices in Morocco, British currency, British offices in Morocco, French currency, Iran, Ireland, Lebanon, Mozambique Company, New Guinea, New Hebrides (Br), New Hebrides (Fr), New Zealand, Niue, Northern Rhodesia, Oltre Giuba, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Surinam, Syria, Uruguay, Canal Zone