Short desc: WWF
Issuer: Australia
Date: 6/6/2006
Occasion: WWF
Consists of 8 stamps: (See stamps as list)
50c d=blue whale (2006)
50c d=humpback whale (2006) perf=11.5
50c d=blue whale (2006) perf=14.5x14
50c d=humpback whale (2006) perf=14.5x14
$1.25 d=fin whale (2006) perf=11.5
$1.25 d=fin whale (2006) perf=14.5x14
$1.85 d=Southern Bottlenose Whale perf=11.5
$1.85 d=Southern Bottlenose Whale perf=14.5x14
Issues with this name: Aitutaki (2002), Australia, Australian Antarctic Territory (2007), Belize (1983), Botswana (2011), Christmas Island (2002), Cocos (Keeling) Islands (2005), Estonia (1994), Falkland Islands (1991), Alderney (1993), Liberia (2005), Nauru (2003), Nigeria (2008), Madeira region (2002), Russia (2004), St. Helena (2002), Samoa (1978), Serbia (2004), Seychelles (2003), Solomon Islands (2002), Tajikistan (2005), Thailand (2011), Ukraine (2002)