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1961 issue of Cuba

  • Colnect-1015-996-Jos%C3%A9-Marti-1853-1895.jpg
  • Colnect-2510-864-Jos%C3%A9-Marti-1853-1895.jpg
  • Colnect-1953-761-Maximo-Gomez.jpg
  • Colnect-2510-865-Maximo-Gomez.jpg
  • Colnect-1436-267-Carlos-Juan-Finlay.jpg
  • Colnect-2510-866-Josde-Antonio-Saco.jpg
Short desc: 1961

Issuer: Cuba
Dates: 8/1/1961 - 9/1969

Consists of 7 stamps: (See stamps as list)

1c brnred d=Marti perf=12.5
9/1969 1c ltbl d=Marti perf=Simulated
2c slgrn d=Maximo Gomez (1961) wmk=R de C - monogram perf=12.5
9/1969 2c yelgrn d=Maximo Gomez (1961) perf=Simulated
12/1964 3c org wmk=R de C mult perf=10
12/1964 13c brn d=Carlos J. Finlay perf=rouletted
9/1969 20c lil d=Josde Antonio Saco perf=rouletted

Issues with this name: Andorra (Fr), Basutoland, Brazil, Chad, China, PRC, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Berlin, German Democratic Republic, Greece, Israel, Korea, North Korea, Kuwait, Selangor, Mali, Nigeria, North Borneo, Qatar, Russia, St. Helena, Somalia, South Africa, South West Africa, Spanish Sahara, Sweden, Syria (1962), Thailand, Tristan da Cunha, Trucial States, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Zanzibar