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Nude Art 2019 issue of St. Thomas & Prince Islands

(No images available)
Short desc: Nude Art 2019

Issuer: St. Thomas & Prince Islands
Date: 2/4/2019
Sort position: 6
Occasion: unset

Consists of 5 stamps: (See stamps as list)

31.00db d=Francois Boucher, 1703-1770 "Leda and the Swan", 1741
31.00db d=Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1780-1867 "The Turkish Bath", 1863
31.00db d=William Bouguereau, 1825-1905 "The Birth of Venus", 1879
31.00db d=Peter Paul Reubens, 1577-1640 "Venus, Cupid, Baco and Ceres", 1612
124.00db d=Alexander Cabanel, 1823-1889 "The Birth of Venus", 1863

Issues with this name: France, St. Thomas & Prince Islands