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Birds in Maldives issue of Maldive Islands

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Maldive Islands Birds in Maldives, sheet of 6 types
Maldive Islands Birds in Maldives, sheet of 1 type
Short desc: Birds in Maldives

Issuer: Maldive Islands
Date: 12/22/2003
Sort position: 3
Occasion: unset

Consists of 11 stamps: (See stamps as list)

15l d=Fregata minor
20l d=Arenaria interpres (2003)
25l d=Upupa epops
1r d=Bubulcus ibis
7r d=Phaethon aethereus
7r d=Sula sula (2003)
7r d=Sterna hirundo
7r d=Hydroprogne caspia (2003)
7r d=Numenius arquata
7r d=Pluvialis squatarola
25r d=Ardea cinerea