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Short desc: Fire Engines 2019
Issuer: Togo Date: 2/25/2019 Sort position: 48 Occasion: unset Consists of 8 stamps: (See stamps as list) 800F d=IFA G5 TLF 15, 1952 800F d=Fire Engine Ural-4320, 1977 800F d=Mack MC, 1989 800F d=Pierce Impel, 2007 800F d=Fire Engine Dodge Atherton 800F d=International Harvester Series AA 800F d=Fire Engine AEC/Merryweather 800F d=Fire Engine Viking 60 Issues with this name: Angola, Central African Republic, Djibouti, Maldive Islands, Niger, St. Thomas & Prince Islands, Togo |