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1916d v issue of United States

  • Colnect-4083-979-George-Washington-1732-1799-first-President-of-the-USA.jpg
  • Colnect-4084-025-George-Washington-1732-1799-first-President-of-the-USA.jpg
  • Colnect-4084-130-George-Washington-1732-1799-first-President-of-the-USA.jpg
Short desc: 1916d v

Issuer: United States
Dates: 1916 - 1919
Sort position: 4

Consists of 8 stamps: (See stamps as list)

1c grn d=Washington (1908)
2c car d=Washington (1908) var=2
2c car d=Washington (1908) var=3
3c vio d=Washington (1908) var=1
3c vio d=Washington (1908) var=2
1918 4c orgbrn d=Washington (1908)
1919 5c bl d=Washington (1908)
10c orgyel d=Franklin (1912)

All are perf=10v