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Orchids of the World issue of Barbuda

  • Colnect-2101-306-Rhynchostele-cervantesii-synOdontoglossum-cervantesii.jpg
  • Colnect-2101-307-Phalaenopsis-Medford-Star.jpg
  • Colnect-2101-308-Vanda-Motes-Resplendent.jpg
  • Colnect-2101-309-Oncidium-Debutante-synOdontonia-Debutante.jpg
  • Colnect-2101-310-Jackfowlieara-Apple-Blossom-synIwanagaara-Apple-Blossom.jpg
  • Colnect-2101-311-Dendrobium-victoriae-reginae.jpg
Short desc: Orchids of the World

Issuer: Barbuda
Date: 6/24/1999

Consists of 24 stamps: (See stamps as list)

45c d=Odontoglossum cervantesii
65c d=Phalaenopsis "Medford Star"
75c d=Vanda "Motes Resplendent"
90c d=Odontonia "Debutante"
$1 d=Iwanagaara "Apple Blossom"
$1.65 d=Paphiopedilum leeanum
$1.65 d=Phalaenopsis "Zuma Urchin"
$1.65 d=Masdevallia "Machu Picchu"
$1.65 d=Amesiella philippinensis (1999)
$1.65 d=Lycaste macrobulbon (1999)
$1.65 d=Promenaea xanthina (1999)
$1.65 d=Theope eudocia (1999 Barbuda)
$1.65 d=Saphrolae liocattleya "Precious Stones"
$1.65 d=Brassocattleya "Angel Lace"
$1.65 d=Paphiopedilum macranthum
$1.65 d=Disa blackii
$1.65 d=Brassolaeliocattleya "Dorothy Bertsch"
$1.65 d=Cymbidium "Showgirl"
$1.65 d=Laeliocattleya "Mini Purple"
$1.65 d=Zerene eurydice (1999)
$1.65 d=Cattleya "Sophia Martin"
$2 d=Dendrobium "Victoria Reginae"
$6 d=Miltonia Seine
$6 d=Paphiopedilum gratrixanum

All are wmk=St Edwards crown & CA

Issues with this name: Antigua (1997), Barbuda, Ghana (1998), Grenada Grenadines (1997), Guinea (2001), GuineaBissau (2014), Sierra Leone (2000)