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Rare Animals from Around the World issue of Tanzania

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Short desc: Rare Animals from Around the World

Issuer: Tanzania
Date: 10/30/1997

Consists of 46 stamps: (See stamps as list)

250sh d=Pagophilus groenlandicus (1997)
250sh d=Diceros bicronis
250sh d=Pan troglodytes (1997)
250sh d=Bubo virginianus (1997)
250sh d=Haliaeetus leucocephalus (1997 Tanzania)
250sh d=Canis latrans
250sh d=Ursus arctos horribilis (1997)
250sh d=Rangifer tarandus caribou (1997)
250sh d=Cystophora cristata
250sh d=Megaptera novaeangliae (1997)
250sh d=Macaca fuscata (1997)
250sh d=Macaca sylvana (1997)
250sh d=Tauraco erythrolophus
250sh d=Giraffa camelopardalis (1997)
250sh d=Gorilla gorilla beringei, Loxodonta afriā€¦
250sh d=Equus zebra (1997)
250sh d=Gazella granti (1997)
250sh d=Suricata surcatta, Danaus plexippus
250sh d=Panthera leo (1997 Tanzania)
250sh d=Gorilla gorilla (1997)
250sh d=Panthera tigris (1997 Tanzania)
250sh d=Loris tardigradus
250sh d=Moschus moschiferus (1997)
250sh d=Equus przewalskii
250sh d=Ailurus fulgens (1997 Tanzania)
250sh d=Aotus trivirgatus
250sh d=Caluromys lanatus
250sh d=Panthera onca (1997 Tanzania)
250sh d=Cacajao rubicundus
250sh d=Nasua nasua
250sh d=Sanguinus oedipus (1997)
250sh d=Lynx rufus (1997)
250sh d=Alces alces
250sh d=Bison bison (1997)
250sh d=Oreamnos americanus
250sh d=Odobenus rosmarus (1997)
250sh d=Procyon lotor
250sh d=Acinonyx jubatus (1997 Tanzania)
250sh d=Equus zebra (1997)
250sh d=Microcebus murinus
1500sh d=Ailuropoda melanoleuca (1997 Tanzania)
1500sh d=Chrysocyon brachyurus (1997)
1500sh d=Canis lupus (1997)
1500sh d=Loxodonta africana (1997)

All are dt=Rare Animals from Around the World perf=14.25

Issues with this name: Liberia (1999), Tanzania