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A Wildlife Atlas of the World issue of Liberia

(No images available)


Liberia A Wildlife Atlas of the World, sheet of 6 types
Liberia A Wildlife Atlas of the World, sheet of 6 types
Liberia A Wildlife Atlas of the World, empty sheet (#34884)
Liberia A Wildlife Atlas of the World, empty sheet (#34885)
Liberia A Wildlife Atlas of the World, empty sheet (#34886)
Liberia A Wildlife Atlas of the World, empty sheet (#34887)
Liberia A Wildlife Atlas of the World, empty sheet (#34888)
Liberia A Wildlife Atlas of the World, empty sheet (#34889)
Liberia A Wildlife Atlas of the World, empty sheet (#34890)
Liberia A Wildlife Atlas of the World, empty sheet (#34891)
Liberia A Wildlife Atlas of the World, empty sheet (#34892)
Liberia A Wildlife Atlas of the World, empty sheet (#34893)
Short desc: A Wildlife Atlas of the World

Issuer: Liberia
Date: 9/15/2001
Sort position: 15

Consists of 42 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$25 d=Ursus americanus
$25 d=Luscinia megarhynchos (2001)
$25 d=Bison bonasus (2001)
$25 d=Cervus elaphus corsicanus
$25 d=Erinaceus europaeus (2001)
$25 d=Castor fiber (2001)
$25 d=Ovis canadensis
$25 d=Odocoileus virginianus (2001)
$25 d=Cervus elaphus canadensis
$25 d=Giraffa camelopardalis (2001)
$25 d=Syvilagus nuttallii
$25 d=Vulpes vulpes (2001)
$25 d=Ateles sp.
$25 d=Ramphastos toco (2001)
$25 d=Lama guanicoe (2001)
$25 d=Tapirus pinchaque (2001)
$25 d=Solenodon cubanus
$25 d=Conolophus subcristatus
$25 d=Dasyurus viverrinus
$25 d=Panthera pardus (2001)
$25 d=Equus zebra (2001)
$25 d=Struthio camelus (2001)
$25 d=Diceros bicornis (2001)
$25 d=Panthera leo (2001 Liberia)
$25 d=Pongo pygmaeus (2001 Liberia)
$25 d=Elephas maximus (2001)
$25 d=Panthera tigris (2001)
$25 d=Camelus ferus bactrianus (2001)
$25 d=Cervus nippon taiouanus
$25 d=Pygathrix nemaeus
$25 d=Phascolarctos cinereus (2001)
$25 d=Macropus rufus (2001)
$25 d=Dromaius novaehollandiae
$25 d=Canis familiaris dingo
$25 d=Myrmecobius fasciatus
$25 d=Chamaeleo chamaeleon
$100 d=Loxodonta africana (2001)
$100 d=Haliaeetus leucocephalus (2001 Liberia)
$100 d=Panthera onca (2001)
$100 d=Ailuropoda melanoleuca (2001 Liberia)
$100 d=Onychogalea fraenata
$100 d=Ursus arctos marsicanus

All are perf=14.25