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Paintings of Birds by Axel Amuchastegui design type

  • Colnect-1682-817-Great-Egret-Casmerodius-albus-.jpg
  • Colnect-1682-818-Red-headed-Blackbird-Amblyramphus-holosericeus.jpg
  • Colnect-1682-819-Red-crested-Cardinal-Paroaria-coronata.jpg
  • Colnect-1682-820-Belted-Kingfisher-Ceryle-alcyon.jpg
Short desc: Paintings of Birds by Axel Amuchastegui

Used by 4 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Argentina semipostal 7/17/1993 0.38+0.38p d=Egretta thula (1993)
Argentina semipostal 7/17/1993 0.38+0.38p d=Amblyramphus holosericeus (1993)
Argentina semipostal 7/17/1993 0.38+0.38p d=Paroaria coronata (1993)
Argentina semipostal 7/17/1993 0.38+0.38p