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protected birds of prey design type

  • Colnect-587-359-Lesser-Spotted-Eagle-Aquila-pomarina.jpg
  • Colnect-587-358-Eastern-Imperial-Eagle-Aquila-heliaca.jpg
  • Colnect-587-361-Red-footed-Falcon-Falco-vespertinus.jpg
  • Colnect-587-360-White-tailed-Eagle-Haliaeetus-albicilla.jpg
  • Colnect-587-362-Saker-Falcon-Falco-cherrug.jpg
  • Colnect-587-363-Rough-legged-Buzzard-Buteo-lagopus.jpg
  • Colnect-587-364-Common-Buzzard-Buteo-buteo.jpg
  • Colnect-2287-610-Peregrine-Falcon-Falco-peregrinus.jpg
  • Colnect-2287-611-Verreaux-s-Eagle-Aquila-verreauxii.jpg
  • Colnect-2287-612-Martial-Eagle-Polemaetus-bellicosus.jpg
  • Colnect-2287-613-Egyptian-Vulture-Neophron-percnopterus.jpg
Short desc: protected birds of prey

Used by 11 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Hungary 8/18/1983 1ft d=Aquila pomarina (1983) perf=11.5x12
Hungary 8/18/1983 1ft d=parlagi sas Aquila heliaca perf=11.5x12
Hungary 8/18/1983 2Ft d=kék vércse Falco vespertinus perf=11.5x12
Hungary 8/18/1983 2Ft d=Haliaetus albicilla (1983) perf=11.5x12
Hungary 8/18/1983 4Ft d=Falco cherrug (1983) perf=11.5x12
Hungary 8/18/1983 6Ft d=Buteo lagopus (1983) perf=11.5x12
Hungary 8/18/1983 8Ft d=Buteo buteo (1983) perf=11.5x12
South West Africa 3/19/1975 4c d=Falco peregrinus (1975) wmk=RSA in triangle
South West Africa 3/19/1975 5c d=Aquila verreauxii (1975) wmk=RSA in triangle
South West Africa 3/19/1975 10c d=Polemaetus bellicosus (1975) wmk=RSA in triangle
South West Africa 3/19/1975 15c d=Nephron peronopterus wmk=RSA in triangle