Prev: butterflies and flowers (1998)
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butterflies and flowers (2003) design type

  • Colnect-1275-665-Juno-Silverspot-Dione-juno-Rose.jpg
  • Colnect-1275-666-Lesser-Purple-Emperor-Apatura-ilia-Chrysanth.jpg
  • Colnect-1275-667-Peacock-Inachis-io-Hibiscus.jpg
  • Colnect-1458-958-Sunset-Daggerwing-Marpesia-iole-Common-Hollyhock-Alcea-r.jpg
  • Colnect-2254-621-Monach-Danaus-plexippus-Calla-Lily-Zantedeschia-aethiopi.jpg
Short desc: butterflies and flowers (2003)

Things in this design type:
insect butterfly
plant flower

Used by 5 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Cuba 9/11/2003 5c d=Gardenia jasminoides and Dione juno perf=12.75
Cuba 9/11/2003 15c d=Chrysanthemus sinense and Apatura ilia perf=12.75
Cuba 9/11/2003 65c d=Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis and Inachis io perf=12.75
Cuba 9/11/2003 75c d=Althea rosea and Marpesia iole perf=12.75
Cuba 9/11/2003 1p perf=12.5