Prev: Butterflies from around the World (1999 Tanzania)
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Butterflies from around the World (1999 Togo) design type

  • Colnect-1398-974-Purple-Hairstreak-Quercusia-querqus.jpg
  • Colnect-1398-975-Boisduval--s-False-Acraea-Pseudacraea-boisduvali.jpg
  • Colnect-1398-976-Silver-washed-Fritillary-Argynnis-paphia.jpg
  • Colnect-1398-977-Dewy-Ringlet-Erebia-pandrose.jpg
  • Colnect-1398-978-Scarce-Fritillary-Euphydryas-maturna.jpg
  • Colnect-1398-979-Gatekeeper-Pyronia-lithonus.jpg
Short desc: Butterflies from around the World (1999 Togo)

Used by 7 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Togo 6/7/1999 100fr issue=Butterflies from around the World 1999 d=Quercusia quercus (1999) perf=12.75
Togo 6/7/1999 150fr issue=Butterflies from around the World 1999 d=Pseudacraea boisduvali (1999 Togo) perf=12.75
Togo 6/7/1999 200fr issue=Butterflies from around the World 1999 d=Argynnis paphia (1999) perf=12.75
Togo 6/7/1999 300fr issue=Butterflies from around the World 1999 d=Erebia pandrose perf=12.75
Togo 6/7/1999 400fr issue=Butterflies from around the World 1999 d=Euphydryas maturna (1999 Togo) perf=12.75
Togo 6/7/1999 500fr issue=Butterflies from around the World 1999 d=Pyronia tithonus (1999) perf=12.75
Togo 6/7/1999 1000fr issue=Butterflies from around the World 1999 d=Charaxes pollux (1999) perf=12.75