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Next: Jesuit wood carvings

Jesuit ruins design type

  • Colnect-1442-860-Bell-Tower-Trinidad.jpg
  • Colnect-2694-128-Church-Ruin-Trinidad.jpg
  • Colnect-1328-534-Tower-Santa-Marina.jpg
  • Colnect-4576-557-Tower-of-Santa-Rosa.jpg
  • Colnect-4576-558-San-Cosme-Gate.jpg
  • Colnect-4576-559-Church-of-Jesus.jpg
  • Colnect-4576-560-Niche-at-Trinidad.jpg
  • Colnect-2309-624-Jesuit-Ruins-stamps-of-1955-surcharged.jpg
  • Colnect-2694-252-Jesuit-Ruins-stamps-of-1955-surcharged.jpg
Short desc: Jesuit ruins

Used by 14 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Paraguay 6/19/1955 5c och issue=Monsignor Rodriguez priesthood 25th d=Bell Tower Trinidad perf=12.5
Paraguay 6/19/1955 20c brnol issue=Monsignor Rodriguez priesthood 25th d=Church Ruin Trinidad perf=12.5
Paraguay 6/19/1955 50c carbrn issue=Monsignor Rodriguez priesthood 25th d=Tower Santa Marina perf=12.5
Paraguay 6/19/1955 2.50g olgrn issue=Monsignor Rodriguez priesthood 25th d=Tower of Santa Rosa perf=12.5
Paraguay 6/19/1955 5g issue=Monsignor Rodriguez priesthood 25th d=San Cosme Gate perf=12.5
Paraguay 6/19/1955 15g grn issue=Monsignor Rodriguez priesthood 25th d=Church of Jesus perf=12.5
Paraguay 6/19/1955 25g dkolgrn issue=Monsignor Rodriguez priesthood 25th d=Niche at Trinidad perf=12.5
Paraguay 5/15/1959 1.50g och issue=1959 provisional d=Bell Tower Trinidad oc=blk on=6/19/1955-5c perf=12.5
Paraguay 5/15/1959 1.50g brnol issue=1959 provisional d=Church Ruin Trinidad oc=blk on=6/19/1955-20c perf=12.5
Paraguay 5/15/1959 1.50g carbrn issue=1959 provisional d=Tower Santa Marina oc=blk on=6/19/1955-50c perf=12.5
Paraguay 5/15/1959 3g olgrn issue=1959 provisional d=Tower of Santa Rosa oc=blk on=6/19/1955-2.50g perf=12.5
Paraguay 5/15/1959 6.25g issue=1959 provisional d=San Cosme Gate oc=blk on=6/19/1955-5g perf=12.5
Paraguay 5/15/1959 20g grn issue=1959 provisional d=Church of Jesus oc=blk on=6/19/1955-15g perf=12.5
Paraguay 5/15/1959 30g dkolgrn issue=1959 provisional d=Niche at Trinidad oc=blk on=6/19/1955-25g perf=12.5