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Sarkidiornis melanotos

  • Colnect-2571-495-Knob-billed-Goose-Sarkidiornis-melanotos.jpg
  • Colnect-1078-566-Comb-Duck-Sarkidiornis-melanotus.jpg
  • Colnect-864-254-African-Comb-Duck-Sarkidiornis-melanotos.jpg
  • Colnect-751-641-Knob-billed-Duck-Sarkidiornis-melanotos.jpg
  • Colnect-1715-804-Knob-billed-Duck%C2%A0Sarkidiornis-melanotos%C2%A0%C2%A0.jpg
  • Colnect-5177-697-Knob-Billed-Duck.jpg
Short desc: Sarkidiornis melanotos

Things in this design:
bird Sarkidiornis melanotos

This design is used by 11 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Senegal 7/13/1968 300fr dt=birds (1968 Senegal) perf=11.75
Malawi 2/19/1975 20t dt=birds (1975 Malawi) wmk=mult cockerel
Venda 1/8/1987 14c issue=Waterfowl 1987
Tanzania 9/16/1996 300sh issue=Birds 1996 dt=birds (1996 Tanzania)
Thailand 12/1/1996 3b dt=waterbirds (1996) wmk=alternating interlaced wavy lines perf=13.5
Uganda 12/1/1999 700sh issue=Birds of Uganda 1999 dt=birds of Uganda (1999) perf=14.25
United Nations 4/3/2003 37c issue=30th Anniversary of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
Marshall Islands 3/9/2013 46c issue=Birds of the World 2013 b
St. Thomas & Prince Islands 5/10/2013 25000db issue=Birds of Sao Tome and Principe perf=13.25
Botswana 8/30/2018 10.00p issue=Kgalagadi Biodiversity - Vertebrates
Angola 12/10/2018 300Kz issue=Water Birds 2018 perf=13