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Jean Baptiste de la Salle

  • Colnect-174-545-Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-La-Salle.jpg
  • Colnect-537-149-John-Baptiste-de-la-Salle.jpg
  • Colnect-4749-264-JB-de-La-Salle-Map-of-Panama-showing-Schools.jpg
Short desc: Jean Baptiste de la Salle

This design is used by 3 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Spain 2/14/1979 5pta issue=100th Anniversary of the Institute of Christian Brothers perf=13.25x13
Panama 5/15/1981 17c issue=Education in Panama by the Christian Schools
Venezuela 5/15/1981 1.25b issue=300th Anniversary of Brothers of Christian Schools perf=11.5x11