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  • Colnect-2835-043-Surcharge-5-Rl-on-2-Rl.jpg
  • Colnect-1753-300-Chalcopyrite.jpg
Short desc: ++on=2r

This design is used by 7 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Philippines 10/27/1881 16c bl issue=1881b on revenue
Ras al Khaima 6/30/1967 2r olbrn&dkbl issue=50th Anniversary of the Birth of John F. Kennedy
Ras al Khaima 8/20/1967 2r issue=In Memoriam of the Victims of the Apollo I Accident
Sharjah 1971 65r issue=1971 surcharges
Qatar 3/4/1972 5r issue=1972 surcharges perf=13.5
Botswana 8/23/1976 2p issue=1976 surcharges
Yemen 9/1/1993 100r issue=1993 surcharges c