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Short desc: ++on=75c

This design is used by 18 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Tunisia semipostal 8/7/1916 10c redbrn&grn issue=POW fund a
Tunisia semipostal 9/20/1918 15c+60c redbrn&blk issue=POW fund b perf=14x13.5
Tunisia semipostal 2/26/1923 10c vio&grn issue=War Wounded Fund
Tunisia semipostal 6/7/1925 10c viobl&blgrn issue=Child Welfare 1925 perf=13.5x14
Tunisia airmail 3/24/1927 1.75f red issue=1927 air perf=14x13.5
Tunisia semipostal 1938 75c issue=Tunisian Postal Service 50th perf=12.5x13
Syria 1948 50c issue=1948 overprints
Guyana 4/23/1982 210c issue=1982 surcharges f wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana 4/23/1982 235c issue=1982 surcharges f wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana 4/23/1982 235c issue=1982 surcharges f wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana 10/15/1982 200c issue=1st Anniversary of G.A.C. Inaugural Flight Georgetown to Boa Vista wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana 5/17/1983 $4.50 issue=World Telecommunications and Health Day 1983 wmk=lotus bud mult
Guyana 10/9/1987 120c issue=1987 surcharges o perf=13.75
Guyana 10/9/1987 120c issue=1987 surcharges o perf=13.75
Guyana 10/9/1987 120c issue=1987 surcharges o perf=13.75
Guyana 10/9/1987 120c issue=1987 surcharges o perf=13.75
Guyana 5/2/1989 300c issue=70th Anniversary of ILO
Belize 8/18/1994 10c issue=75th Anniversary of I.L.O. wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14