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Sleeping Beauty

  • Colnect-148-626-Sleeping-Beauty.jpg
  • 1643_FairyTale_30.png
  • Colnect-4878-704-Ballet--quot-Sleeping-Beauty-quot--1890.jpg
  • Colnect-5862-297-Sleeping-Beauty.jpg
Short desc: Sleeping Beauty

Things in this design:
work of art Sleeping Beauty

This design is used by 4 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Hungary 12/15/1959 30f cer&blk dt=fairy tales (1959) wmk=stars (Cuba) perf=12
Monaco 11/8/1978 0.30fr olgrn&brncar issue=350th Anniversary of the Birth of Charles Perrault perf=13
Russia 1/14/1993 25r issue=175th Birth Anniversary of M. Petipa perf=12.5x12
Japan 5/23/2014 52y issue=Greetings 2014 perf=15