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Arms of Guernsey

  • Colnect-6745-999-Coat-of-Arms-of-Guernsey.jpg
  • Colnect-6746-003-Coat-of-Arms-of-Guernsey.jpg
  • Colnect-2258-484-Coat-of-Arms-of-Guernsey.jpg
  • Colnect-1380-355-Coat-of-Arms-of-Guernsey.jpg
  • Colnect-548-194-Coat-of-Arms-of-Guernsey.jpg
Short desc: Arms of Guernsey

Things in this design:
arms Arms of Guernsey

This design is used by 5 stamps: (See all uses as list)
1941 1/2d emer issue=1941
1941 1d red issue=1941
1941 2 1/2d ultra issue=1941
1942 1/2d grn issue=1942 wmk=chain link fence
1942 1d red issue=1942 wmk=chain link fence

All are German occupation of Guernsey