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shield with dragons

  • ARC-shanghai.jpg-crop-93x106at571-266.jpg
  • Colnect-5451-254-Shanghai-local-post.jpg
Short desc: shield with dragons

Things in this design:
manufacture shield
fictional dragon

This design is used by 27 stamps: (See all uses as list)
1890 2c brn issue=1890 perf=15
1890 5c rose issue=1890 perf=15
1890 10c blk issue=1890 wmk=Kung Pu perf=15
1890 15c bl issue=1890 wmk=Kung Pu perf=15
1890 15c bl issue=1890 perf=15
1890 20c vio issue=1890 wmk=Kung Pu perf=15
1891 2c brn wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1891 5c rose wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1892 2c grn wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
postage due 1892 2c brn issue=1892b ovpt=Postage//Due.(gothic) oc=bl on=2c-brn-perf=12 wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1892 5c red wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
postage due 1892 5c rose issue=1892b ovpt=Postage//Due.(gothic) oc=blk on=5c-rose-perf=12 wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1892 10c org wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1892 15c vio wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
postage due 1892 15c vio issue=1892b ovpt=Postage//Due.(gothic) oc=blk on=15c-vio-perf=12 wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1892 20c brn wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
postage due 1892 20c vio issue=1892a ovpt=Postage//Due.(gothic) oc=blk on=1890-20c-vio-perf=15 wmk=Kung Pu perf=15
postage due 1892 20c brn issue=1892b ovpt=Postage//Due.(gothic) oc=blk on=20c-brn-perf=12 wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1893 1/2c vio issue=1893a provisional oc=blk on=1892-15c-vio wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1893 1/2c red issue=1893a provisional ovpt=Ct.(a) oc=blk on=1892-5c-red-half wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1893 1/2c red issue=1893a provisional ovpt=Ct.(b) oc=blk on=1892-5c-red-half wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1893 1/2c red issue=1893a provisional ovpt=Ct.(c) oc=blk on=1892-5c-red-half wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1893 1/2c rose issue=1893a provisional ovpt=Ct.(a) oc=blk on=1891-5c-rose-half wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1893 1/2c rose issue=1893a provisional ovpt=Ct.(b) oc=blk on=1891-5c-rose-half wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1893 1/2c rose issue=1893a provisional ovpt=Ct.(c) oc=blk on=1891-5c-rose-half wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1893 1c brn issue=1893a provisional oc=blk on=1892-20c-brn wmk=Kung Pu perf=12
1893 1c grn issue=1893a provisional oc=blk on=1892-2c-grn-half wmk=Kung Pu perf=12

All are Shanghai