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  • Stamp_of_USSR_1306.jpg
  • Colnect-3818-543-Sailor-Soviet-Navy-flag-and-cruiser--Aurora-.jpg
  • 20_let_RKKA._Matros.jpg
  • Stamp_of_USSR_0788.jpg
  • Colnect-3899-175-Sailor.jpg
  • Colnect-2820-599-Sailor.jpg
  • Colnect-460-822-Seaman.jpg
  • Stamp_of_USSR_1307.jpg
  • Chinese_Regular_50Fen_Stamp_in_1955.JPG
  • Colnect-4203-277-Sailor.jpg
  • Colnect-4845-669-Continental-Sailor-with-Grappling-Hook-First-Navy-Jack-177.jpg
  • Colnect-3245-565-Sailor.jpg
  • Colnect-1240-198-Sailor.jpg
Short desc: sailor

Things in this design:
person type sailor

This design is used by 14 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Russia 2/6/1928 14k issue=Red Army 10th perf=12
Russia 3/1938 30k blk&bl issue=Red Army 20th perf=12
South Africa 1941 2p vio issue=war effort wmk=mult springboks head
South West Africa 1941 2p vio issue=war effort ovpt=SWA oc=blk on=issuer=South Africa-1941-2p-vio wmk=mult springboks head
Russia 2/1941 10k bl issue=Red Army 23rd perf=12
South Africa 1942 2p vio issue=1942 var=smaller wmk=mult springboks head
South West Africa 1942 2p vio issue=1942 var=smaller ovpt=SWA oc=blk on=issuer=South Africa-1942-2p wmk=mult springboks head
Russia 5/15/1948 10k vio issue=1948 perf=12
Russia 9/12/1948 30k blgrn issue=Navy Day perf=12
Russia 9/12/1948 60k bl issue=Navy Day perf=12
China, PRC 1955 50f dkgray issue=1955 perf=14
Romania 3/29/1955 1l pur issue=1955 dt=occupations (1955 Romania) wmk=RPR mult endless
United States 7/4/1975 10c dt=Military Uniforms (1975 United States) perf=11
Maldive Islands 7/1/1981 90l issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Pablo Picasso perf=14