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Lanius collurio (2000)

  • Colnect-187-545-Red-backed-Shrike-Lanius-collurio.jpg
  • Colnect-3507-653-Red-backed-Shrike--%C2%A0Lanius-collurio.jpg
  • Colnect-249-438-Red-backed-Shrike-Lanius-collurio.jpg
Short desc: Lanius collurio (2000)

Things in this design:
bird Lanius collurio (syn. of red-backed shrike)

This design is used by 5 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Belgium 1/22/2000 16fr|0,40(€) perf=11.5
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2/28/2000 1.50fr issue=Flora and Fauna of Africa 2000
Liberia 8/28/2000 $20 issue=Birds of the World 2000 b dt=birds of the World (2000 Liberia b) perf=14.25
Belgium 9/4/2000 16fr|0,40(€) issue=2000 birds perf=11.5
Zambia 9/8/2000 700k issue=Birds of the World