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Henri Dunant (1989)

  • Colnect-3258-855-Jean-Henri-Dunant.jpg
  • Colnect-1591-094-Henri-Dunant-1828-1910-Founder-of-the-Red-Cross.jpg
Short desc: Henri Dunant (1989)

Things in this design:
person Henri Dunant

This design is used by 3 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Guyana 1/5/1989 $2 red&blk issue=125th Anniversary of International Red Cross perf=14x13.75
Fiji 2/2/1989 63c issue=125th Anniversary of the International Red Cross wmk=mult crown & script CA
Kenya 5/8/1989 5.50sh issue=125th Anniversary of International Red Cross perf=14x13.5