Stamp catalog
Joint Issues
Grand Duchess Charlotte
Grand Duchess Charlotte
Grand Duchess Charlotte (1926)
Short desc: Grand Duchess Charlotte (1926)
Things in this design:
Grand Duchess Charlotte
This design is used by 76 stamps:
(See all uses as list)
Luxembourg 5c dkvio wmk=double wavy lines perf=12 unissued
Luxembourg 10c olgrn wmk=double wavy lines perf=12 unissued
Luxembourg 15c blk wmk=double wavy lines perf=12 unissued
Luxembourg official 1926 5c dkvio issue=1926 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-5c perf=13
Luxembourg official 1926 10c olgrn issue=1926 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-10c perf=13
Luxembourg official 1926 20c org issue=1926 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-20c perf=13
Luxembourg official 1926 25c grn issue=1926 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-25c perf=13
Luxembourg official 1926 40c olgray issue=1926 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-40c perf=13
Luxembourg official 1926 50c redbrn issue=1926 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-50c perf=13
Luxembourg official 1926 65c blkbrn issue=1926 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-65c perf=13
Luxembourg official 1926 75c. rose issue=1926 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-75c. perf=13
Luxembourg official 1926 80c. bisbrn issue=1926 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-80c. perf=13
Luxembourg official 1926 1fr blk issue=1926 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-1fr perf=13
Luxembourg official 1926 1 1/4fr. bl issue=1926 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-1 1/4fr. perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 5c dkvio issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 10c olgrn issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 20c org issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 25c grn issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 40c olgray issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 50c redbrn issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 60c blgrn issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 65c blkbrn issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 70c dkvio issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 75c rose issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 80c bisbrn issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 1fr blk issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 11/10/1926 1 1/4fr bl issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 10/15/1927 25c viobrn issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 10/15/1927 30c grn issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 10/15/1927 75c bisbrn issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 10/15/1927 90c rose issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 10/15/1927 1 1/2fr dpbl issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg official 1928 5c dkvio issue=1928 official on=5c-wmk=double wavy lines-unissued wmk=double wavy lines perf=12
Luxembourg 1928 10c grn issue=1928 provisionals var=wide margins oc=blk on=issue=1926-30c-grn perf=13
Luxembourg official 1928 10c olgrn issue=1928 official on=10c-wmk=double wavy lines-unissued wmk=double wavy lines perf=12
Luxembourg 1928 15c grn issue=1928 provisionals var=wide margins oc=blk on=issue=1926-25c-grn perf=13
Luxembourg official 1928 20c org issue=1928 official var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg official 1928 25c viobrn issue=1928 official var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 1928 30c blgrn issue=1928 provisionals var=wide margins oc=blk on=issue=1926-60c perf=13
Luxembourg official 1928 30c grn issue=1928 official var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 1928 35c grayvio issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg official 1928 35c grayvio issue=1928 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-35c perf=13
Luxembourg official 1928 40c olgray issue=1928 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-40c perf=13
Luxembourg official 1928 50c redbrn issue=1928 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-50c perf=13
Luxembourg 1928 60c bisbrn issue=1928 provisionals var=wide margins oc=blk on=issue=1926-80c perf=13
Luxembourg 1928 60c blkbrn issue=1928 provisionals var=wide margins oc=blk on=issue=1926-65c perf=13
Luxembourg 1928 60c rose issue=1928 provisionals var=wide margins oc=blk on=issue=1926-75c-rose perf=13
Luxembourg official 1928 60c blgrn issue=1928 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-60c perf=13
Luxembourg 1928 70c bisbrn issue=1928 provisionals var=wide margins oc=blk on=issue=1926-75c-bisbrn perf=13
Luxembourg 1928 75c rose issue=1928 provisionals var=wide margins oc=blk on=issue=1926-90c perf=13
Luxembourg official 1928 90c rose issue=1928 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-90c perf=13
Luxembourg official 1928 1fr blk issue=1928 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-1fr perf=13
Luxembourg official 1928 1 1/2fr dpbl issue=1928 official var=wide margins on=issue=1926-1 1/2fr perf=13
Luxembourg 1928 1 3/4fr dpbl issue=1928 provisionals var=wide margins oc=blk on=issue=1926-1 1/2fr perf=13
Luxembourg 2/15/1930 15c blk issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg official 2/15/1930 15c blk issue=1928 official oc=blk on=15c-wmk=double wavy lines-unissued wmk=double wavy lines perf=12
Luxembourg 2/15/1930 30c grayvio issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 2/15/1930 35c grn issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 2/15/1930 1fr rose issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 2/15/1930 1 1/4fr yel issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 2/15/1930 1 3/4fr dpbl issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 6/20/1931 1 1/4fr blgrn issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
Luxembourg 8/30/1934 1 1/4fr red issue=1926 var=wide margins perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 3pf blk var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//3 Rpf oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-15c perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 4pf org var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//value oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-20c perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 5pf grn var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//value oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-35c-grn perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 6pf olgrn var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//value oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-10c perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 8pf viobrn var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//value oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-25c-viobrn perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 10pf olgray var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//value oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-40c perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 12pf blgrn var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//value oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-60c perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 15pf rose var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//value oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-1fr-rose perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 20pf redbrn var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//value oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-50c perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 25pf dkvio var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//value oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-5c perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 30pf dkvio var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//value oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-70c perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 40pf bisbrn var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//value oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-75c-bisbrn perf=13
German occupation of Luxembourg 12/5/1940 50pf blgrn var=wide margins ovpt=ornament//value oc=blk on=issuer=Luxembourg-issue=1926-1 1/4fr-blgrn perf=13
(plus 26 more)