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Cacajao rubicundus

  • Colnect-4978-469-Red-Uakari-Cacajao-rubicundus.jpg
  • Colnect-4711-617-White-uakari.jpg
Short desc: Cacajao rubicundus

Things in this design:
mammal Cacajao rubicundus

This design is used by 6 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Peru airmail 10/21/1974 8s issue=Fauna Protection 1974
Peru airmail 10/21/1974 20s issue=Fauna Protection 1974
Surinam 1/7/1987 120c dt=Monkeys (1987) perf=14x12.75
Gambia 2/24/1997 1.50d issue=Endangered Species 1997 dt=endangered species (1997 Gambia) perf=14
Tanzania 10/30/1997 250sh issue=Rare Animals from Around the World dt=Rare Animals from Around the World perf=14.25
Madagascar 5/30/2001 4000fr issue=Monkeys 2001 dt=Monkeys (2001)