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90c denom (#9965)

  • Colnect-1594-816-Centenary-of-the-Civil-Guard.jpg
  • Colnect-1484-306-Allegory-of-Progress.jpg
Desc: 90c

Currency: Peruvian sol (100c=1s)

Numerical sorting value: 5400

Equivalent denoms: 0.90s (11)

Users of this denom: Peru (4 stamps, 1966-1967)

Used by 4 stamps of Peru: (See all uses as list)

90c brn&yel d=Indian unissued
90c d=farmer unissued
airmail 8/30/1966 90c issue=100th Anniversary of Civil Guard
4/18/1967 90c cer&blk&gold issue=1967 building program d=Inca wind vane perf=13½ x 14