Desc: 30fr
Currency: Rwandan franc (100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 180000
Users of this denom: Rwanda (37 stamps, 1965-2010)
Used by 37 stamps of Rwanda: (See all uses as list)
12/20/1965 30fr issue=Christmas 1965
5/27/1968 30fr issue=Olympics 1968
12/9/1968 30fr issue=Olympics 1968 Gold Medal Winners d=Bob Beamon (1968)
12/9/1968 30fr issue=Olympics 1968 Gold Medal Winners d=Mike Burton
12/9/1968 30fr issue=Olympics 1968 Gold Medal Winners
9/10/1969 30fr issue=5th Anniversary of African Development Bank
6/15/1970 30fr issue=9th world soccer championships
12/21/1970 30fr issue=Franklin D. Roosevelt death 25th
2/15/1971 30fr dt=African Headdresses
8/16/1972 30fr issue=Olympics 1972
12/30/1974 30fr issue=10th Anniversary of African Development Bank
4/1/1975 30fr issue=Easter 1975
4/4/1975 30fr issue=ESPANA '75 dt=paintings of Spanish Masters
10/13/1975 30fr dt=Paintings of J. Vermeer van Delft
1/30/1976 30fr issue=200th Anniversary of the American Revolution
8/30/1976 30fr issue=Olympics 1976 b
10/29/1976 30fr issue=Apollo-Soyuz d=Astronauts Visting
9/19/1977 30fr issue=Wernher von Braun memorial
10/3/1977 30fr issue=ESPAMER '77
airmail 11/1/1978 30fr issue=ESSEN '78 d=Tragelaphus strepsiceros & Euplectes ori
airmail 11/1/1978 30fr issue=ESSEN '78 d=Dendrocopos major (1978)
2/19/1979 30fr dt=butterflies (1979 Rwanda) d=Danaus limniace petiverana
1/31/1980 30fr issue=Apollo 11 10th
6/28/1982 30fr issue=20th Anniversary of Independence
2/14/1983 30fr issue=Campaign Against Soil Erosion d=Contour planting
3/14/1983 30fr dt=mountain gorillas (1983) d=mountain gorilla Gorilla beringei beringei
3/25/1985 30fr issue=Worldwide Nature Protection 1985 dt=gorillas d=Gorilla gorilla beringei (1985)
7/5/1985 30fr issue=10th Anniversary of National Revolutionary Redevelopment Movement
1/27/1986 30fr issue=Transport and Communications
5/5/1986 30fr issue=Intensified Agriculture Year
12/24/1986 30fr issue=Christmas 1986 / International Peace Year
12/30/1988 30fr issue=125th Anniversary of International Red Cross
10/20/1989 30fr issue=100th Anniversary of Interparliamentary Union
2/1/1993 30fr issue=Olympics 1992
5/17/1999 30fr issue=Commemorating the Genocide of 1994
1/1/2003 30fr issue=AIDS - Prevention for Children
11/15/2010 30fr issue=mountain gorillas dt=mountain gorillas (2010)