Desc: 2.25fr
Currency: Belgian franc (100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 13500
Users of this denom: Belgium (10 stamps, 1941-1972)
Used by 10 stamps of Belgium: (See all uses as list)
1941 2.25fr grayvio issue=1936b d=King Leopold III (1936 left) perf=14x13.75
8/1/1941 2.25fr olblk d=King Leopold III (1936 left) oc=blk on=issue=1936b-2.50fr
official 8/1/1941 2.25fr issue=1941 official d=(555) perf=14x13.75
1943 2.25fr grnblk issue=1936a d=King Leopold III (1936 right)
1944 2.25fr grnblk issue=1944c d=King Leopold III & crown & V perf=14
1944 2.25fr dkgrn issue=1941 official d=(624)
6/15/1946 2.25fr slgrn issue=Ostend perf=14
6/1947 2.25fr grayblk issue=Antarctic d=ship Belgica in Antarctic perf=11.5
1948 2.25fr graybl issue=industries d="centre of communications" perf=11.5
1972 2.25fr graygrn issue=1970a d=King Baudouin (1970) perf=11.5