Desc: 65fr
Currency: West African CFA franc (100c=1fr=1fcfa=1f)
Numerical sorting value: 390000
Equivalent denoms: 65f (11)
Users of this denom: Burkina Faso (1 stamp, 1986), Dahomey (7 stamps, 1963-1975), Ivory Coast (48 stamps, 1964-1981), Mali (3 stamps, 1972-1994), Niger (20 stamps, 1981-1984), Senegal (26 stamps, 1965-1988), Upper Volta (19 stamps, 1972-1981)
Used by 124 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Dahomey 2/18/1963 65fr dt=peoples
Ivory Coast 6/27/1964 65fr issue=Olympics 1964 d=wrestlers
Senegal 1/30/1965 65fr issue=anti-leprosy d=leprosarium in Peycouk perf=13
Dahomey airmail 1968 65fr issue=Martin Luther King memorial
Senegal 8/7/1971 65fr issue=13th Boy Scout World Jamboree perf=14x13.5
Dahomey airmail 1972 65fr issue=1972 air
Dahomey 1972 65fr issue=75th Anniversary of the Death of Johannes Brahms
Ivory Coast 1/29/1972 65fr issue=1971 dt=marine fauna (1971) d=Cypraea stercoraria
Upper Volta airmail 5/5/1972 65fr issue=Olympics 1972
Mali 10/23/1972 65fr blvio&brnol dt=Signs of the Zodiac (1972) d=Capricorn perf=11
Mali 10/23/1972 65fr dt=Signs of the Zodiac (1972) d=Sagittarius perf=11
Dahomey airmail 1973 65fr issue=500th Anniversary of the Birth of Nicolaus Copernicus
Senegal 1/20/1973 65fr issue=Europafrique 1973 perf=12.5x13
Upper Volta airmail 3/29/1973 65fr issue=Apollo 17 d=Ronald E. Evans & splashdown
Upper Volta airmail 4/30/1973 65fr issue=Exploration of the Moon d=Exploration vehicle automatic
Senegal 6/30/1973 65fr issue=Total Eclipse of the Sun d=Schematic Illustration of Eclipse
Senegal airmail 7/28/1973 65fr dt=marine life (1973 Senegal) d=Orcinus orca (1973) perf=11.75
Senegal airmail 12/15/1973 65fr issue=25th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Senegal 6/29/1974 65fr issue=World Cup 1974 perf=13.25x14.25
Dahomey airmail 8/5/1974 65fr issue=Centenary of Universal Postal Union d=Concorde in flight
Senegal 2/28/1975 65fr issue=Visit of King Baudouin d=President Senghor & King Bauduin I perf=13.5x14
Dahomey 8/11/1975 65fr issue=Dahomey-Nigeria cooperation d=spears with flags
Senegal 1976 65fr issue=1970 d=arms of Senegal (1970) perf=12.25
Ivory Coast 1/1/1976 65fr issue=1976 d=arms of Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast 1/24/1976 65fr issue=Mother's Day 1976
Ivory Coast 4/10/1976 65fr issue=20th Anniversary of the Day of the Stamp and and Ivory Coast Philatelic Club
Senegal 4/26/1976 65fr issue=1st Population Census perf=13.5x14
Ivory Coast 6/5/1976 65fr issue=Nature Protection 1976
Ivory Coast 7/3/1976 65fr issue=Literature for Children
Ivory Coast 7/17/1976 65fr issue=Olympics 1976
Senegal 9/11/1976 65fr issue=Olympics 1976 perf=13.5
Ivory Coast 9/18/1976 65fr d=cashew nut
Ivory Coast 11/1/1976 65fr issue=1974 d=Feliz Houphouet-Boigny (1974)
Ivory Coast 1/15/1977 65fr issue=2nd World Festival of Negro Arts
Senegal 5/21/1977 65fr issue=10th Anniversary of International French Language Council d=arms of Senegal Inside Emblem
Ivory Coast 9/1/1977 65fr d=President Félix Houphouët-Boigny (1977)
Ivory Coast 9/3/1977 65fr issue=History of the Airship
Senegal 9/10/1977 65fr issue=Literacy Week d=student
Upper Volta 9/22/1977 65fr issue=Nobel Prize Winners d=G Marconi
Senegal 10/10/1977 65fr dt=paintings (1977 Senegal) d=Jo the Beatiful Irish Girl 1865 by Courbet
Upper Volta 10/19/1977 65fr issue=400th Anniversary of the Birth of Peter Paul Rubens d=The Three Graces (1977)
Ivory Coast 11/1/1977 65fr dt=butterflies (1977 Ivory Coast) d=Imbrasia arata
Ivory Coast 11/12/1977 65fr d=Yamoussoukro Container Port
Upper Volta 12/30/1977 65fr issue=World Cup 1978 d=Stadium & brasilian stamp
Upper Volta 1/2/1978 65fr issue=History of Aviation d=Jean Mermoz & seaplane
Senegal 1/7/1978 65fr issue=Tourism 1978 d=Regattas Soumbedioum
Ivory Coast 1/11/1978 65fr issue=Visit of President Giscard d'Estaing of France d=Presidents Giscard d'Estaing and Houphou
Ivory Coast 3/4/1978 65fr issue=400th Anniversary of the Birth of Peter Paul Rubens d="St. George and the Dragon" - Peter Paul Rubens
Ivory Coast 4/1/1978 65fr issue=Images of History
Ivory Coast 6/17/1978 65fr issue=World Cup 1978
(plus 74 more) (See all uses as list)