Desc: 100fr
Currency: Belgian franc (100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 600000
Users of this denom: Belgium (9 stamps, 1929-2001)
Used by 9 stamps of Belgium: (See all uses as list)
1/25/1929 100fr roselake issue=1929b d=King Albert I (1929 Montenez)
airmail 4/20/1946 100fr gray d=DC-4 of Sabena perf=11.5
parcel post 5/1/1954 100fr issue=1953 parcel b d=Railway Stamp Station Brussels Central perf=11.5
11/1958 100fr red issue=z1952 d=King Baudouin (1952 b) perf=11.5
11/5/1981 100fr issue=1980 d=King Baudouin (1980 b) perf=11.5
6/12/1984 100fr issue=1980 d=King Baudouin (1981)
parcel post 10/12/1987 100fr dklil&blk perf=11.5
10/1/1994 100fr d=King Albert I (1994) perf=11.5x11.75
3/26/2001 100fr issue=2000 perf=11.5