Desc: 12fr
Currency: Rwandan franc (100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 72000
Users of this denom: Rwanda (13 stamps, 1965-1987)
Used by 13 stamps of Rwanda: (See all uses as list)
2/22/1965 12fr issue=National University
7/1966 12fr brn&ind d=soccer ball globe
5/27/1968 12fr issue=Olympics 1968
12/9/1968 12fr issue=Olympics 1968 Gold Medal Winners d=Douglas Russel
12/9/1968 12fr issue=Olympics 1968 Gold Medal Winners
2/12/1972 12fr issue=Winter Olympics 1972 d=slalom (1972)
4/14/1975 12fr issue=Agricultural Labor Year d=Sorghum-Year of field work agricultural products
9/15/1975 12fr issue=International Women's Year
8/30/1976 12fr issue=Olympics 1976 b
10/29/1976 12fr issue=Apollo-Soyuz d=Joint flight of Apollo & Soyuz
11/22/1976 12fr dt=orchids (1976 Rwanda) d=Bonatea steudneri
9/19/1977 12fr issue=Wernher von Braun memorial
12/12/1987 12fr issue=International Volunteers Day