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$3 denom (#9090)

  • Colnect-3951-374-Chalice-cup.jpg
  • Colnect-1491-882-Green-Sea-Turtle-Chelonia-mydas.jpg
  • Colnect-3994-638-Minerva-1849.jpg
Desc: $3

Currency: Bermudian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 18000

Equivalent denoms: ($)3.00 (2)

Users of this denom: Bermuda (6 stamps, 1975-1996)

Used by 6 stamps of Bermuda: (See all uses as list)

6/2/1975 $3 dt=flowers (1975 Bermuda) d=Chalice cup perf=14
1978 $3 issue=1978 d=green turtle (1978 Bermuda) perf=14
1986 $3 issue=1986 dt=shipwrecks (1986) d=Minerva 1849 perf=14
3/23/1995 $3 issue=1994 dt=Flowering fruits d=Coccoloba uvifera (1995)
5/21/1996 $3 issue=Panoramas of Hamilton and St. George's, by E.J. Holland, 193 d=Strip of 5 Hamilton Panaromas
5/21/1996 $3 issue=Panoramas of Hamilton and St. George's, by E.J. Holland, 193 d=Strip of 5 St Georges Panaromas

All are wmk=mult crown & script CA