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$1.50 denom (#9056)

  • Colnect-5851-654-Architecture-Archway.jpg
  • Colnect-5174-606-Eastern-Bluebird-Sialia-sialis.jpg
  • Colnect-1337-613-Holding-Prince-Henry.jpg
  • Colnect-1337-618-Arms-of-Hamilton-1957.jpg
  • Colnect-1337-622-Painting-by-Samuel-Scott-c-1702-72.jpg
  • Colnect-3994-636-Caesar-1818.jpg
  • Colnect-3997-841-Visiting-Crown-Agents---offices-1983.jpg
  • Colnect-1338-801-No-31-ship-Prince-David.jpg
  • Colnect-1338-806-Salt-Kettle-1899.jpg
  • Colnect-2296-275-Cavalier-Bermuda-Clipper.jpg
  • Colnect-3040-270-Satellite-fiber-optics-world.jpg
  • Colnect-3994-518-Two-wheel-wagon-c-1930.jpg
  • Colnect-5093-710-Rosa-chinensis-viridiflora.jpg
  • BM009.13.jpg
  • BM013.13.jpg
Desc: $1.50

Currency: Bermudian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 9000

Users of this denom: Bermuda (16 stamps, 1985-2013)

Used by 16 stamps of Bermuda: (See all uses as list)

1/24/1985 $1.50 dt=architecture (1985) d=archway wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.25
3/21/1985 $1.50 issue=John James Audubon 200th dt=Audubon bird paintings d=Bluebird (Audubon) wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.25
6/7/1985 $1.50 issue=Queen Mother 85th d=Holding Prince Henry wmk=crown & script CA spiral perf=14.5x14.25
9/19/1985 $1.50 dt=arms (1983) d=Arms of Hamilton 1957 wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.25
11/21/1985 $1.50 issue=Halley's Comet d=Painting by Samuel Scott c 1702-72 wmk=crown & script CA spiral
1986 $1.50 issue=1986 dt=shipwrecks (1986) d=Caesar 1818 wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
4/21/1986 $1.50 issue=Queen Elizabeth II 60th d=Visiting Crown Agents offices 1983 wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14.25
5/22/1986 $1.50 issue=AMERIPEX 86 wmk=mult crown & script CA
1/22/1987 $1.50 dt=Transport Railway, c. 1931-1947 d=No 31 & ship Prince David wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
4/30/1987 $1.50 dt=Bermuda paintings by Winslow Homer d=Salt Kettle 1899 wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14.25
6/18/1987 $1.50 issue=International Flights Inauguration 50th d=Cavalier flying boat & Bermuda Clipper wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
10/1/1987 $1.50 issue=Bermuda Telephone Company 100th d=Satellite fiber optics world wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=13.75
3/3/1988 $1.50 dt=horse-drawn transport d=Two-wheel wagon c 1930 wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
4/21/1988 $1.50 dt=old garden roses d=Rosa chinensis viridiflora wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=13.75
5/16/2013 $1.50 issue=Bermuda Beaches Part 2 d=Ashwood Park Beach
7/18/2013 $1.50 issue=Bermuda Folklife Part 1 - Arts of Celebration Gombeys